Hell hath no fury. . . .
Like a power base scorned. The photo above is of one Richard Viguerie and who is he? He's a big-time conservative...founded loads of conservative entities, huge direct mail guy and he is pissed. He just wrote a devastating critique of Bush in the Washington Post HERE . Want some highlights? Sure you do;)
"As long as Democrats controlled Congress or the White House, Republicans could tell conservatives they deserved support because of what they would do, someday. Now we know what they do when they have control. Their agenda comes from Big Business, not from grass-roots conservatives."
"The main cause of conservatives' anger with Bush is this: He talked like a conservative to win our votes but never governed like a conservative."
Aww...makes you almost feel sorry for the poor conservatives...
"The current relationship between Washington Republicans and the nation's conservatives makes me think of a cheating husband whose wife catches him, and forgives him, time and time again. Then one day he comes home to discover that she has packed her bags and called a cab -- and a divorce lawyer."
Now that sounds ominous. But hey, it should be noted that Viggy has a book coming out soon titled, "How to Sell Books by Sounding Indignant"
Here's a little DailyKos love fest...
Great article HERE on the new 'non-lethal'weaponry being deployed in Iraq (and elsewhere)
(The .gif is of an artists rendering of the ADS (Active Denial System)...that makes you feel like your skin is on fire...with apprently no side effects...coming soon to a Million Man March near you;)
also, Kos has a phenomenal piece on the CIA and why it's not a great career move to tell the truth whereas a good lie gets you promoted...
Stay Moving and as always...
Stay Naked.
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