Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Sen. Hilary Clinton (R-NY)

It's official...well it's been quasi-official for awhile but it's definitely official now. We posted this before but VOTE TASINI! I can't stomach much more of Clinton but like her blow-job getting, cruise missile launching husband, I fear we're never going to see the end of her...Why the blograge?
Here is the Grand dame of feminine anger herself talking about...

"He is someone w
ho has a lot of charm and charisma, and I think in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, I was very grateful to him for his support for New York"


"He's been affable. He's been good company"

Who is she talking about? George Freaking Bush. You can't make this crap up. But gets better. Guess who is throwing an event in her honor?

"Commenting on ***********'s decision to host a fundraiser for her Senate-election campaign, Mrs Clinton said:"He's my constituent and I'm very gratified that he thinks I'm doing a good job."

That sounds all fine and dandy but it's Rupert Freaking Murdoch who's throwing this bash. *sigh* I seriously wish I was making this her defense, her friends say she's also courted Newt Gingrich, worked with Lindsay Graham (who worked tirelessly to have her husband impeached) and was photographed getting a Santorum at the hands of none other than Tom Delay...

Donna Brazile, noted Democratic stategist and talking head had this to say, it shows that she has "crossover appeal"...I suppose she will courting NAMBLA soon to demostrate her appeal to pedophiles...

I try not to get too excited as I'm well aware of how disconnected 'they' are but seriously. All it shows is that, by any reasonable definition, Hilary Clinton is now part of the problem.


Stay sane and for gods sake...

Stay Naked.



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