Saturday, May 20, 2006

Richard Armitage Saves Civilization?

Say it ain't so...please say it ain't so. Long-time political hitman, Iran-Contra scandal scumbag and Former Undersecretary of State (Another nail in the coffin of 'Isn't Colin Powell a great guy?') Richard Armitage may just be the guy who puts Karl Rove behind bars...what sweet bitter irony. Raw Story is reporting that Armitage is at the heart of the Valerie Plame/CIA Leak fiasco...he is repotedly a 'witness' which means he is probably going to avoid indictment:

FBI Investigation Lingo 101
  1. Witness- you have information pertinent to the investigation.
  2. Subject- you have information and could face prosecution.
  3. Target- they want you, you're done.
(Please don't ask how I know all this...;)

While I would love to see Armitage in irons I am strangely happy that he might be the guy to turn the key on Rove (and Libby). Most of this info is coming from Steve Clemons and his blog 'The Washington Note'. Here's a taste:

"According to several insiders, as soon as Armitage realized mistakes he had made, he marched into Colin Powell and laid out "everything" in full detail."

Which seems to suggest that Armitage might get off because he realized the error of his ways? Whatever, as long as Rove burns for this I will believe in a loving and just God:)

Speaking of a loving and just God...According to an editorial by Pierre Rousselin in 'Le Figaro' Christians in Iraq and throughout the middle east are being marginalzied by the surge of fundamental Islam post Bushs invasion of Iraq. Rousslein places the blame firmly on Bush:

George W. Bush wanted to turn Iraq into a laboratory for the new Middle East. Instead, Christians in neighboring countries fear the contagion of the uncontrollable forces that a superficial democratization has unleashed. With the shattering of national unity, within which they were once able to blend into, they are rejected by both of antagonistic entities being formed by the Shiites and Sunnis.

Hm, maybe God hates christians? Maybe Bush hates Christians? Maybe God hates Bush? So many questions?

Stay fluid and as always...

Stay Naked.



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