Saturday, May 13, 2006

Oh, Frabjous Day ! Callou ! Callay !

No, it probably won't come down just like this. Karl Rove has been indicted for lying to investigators and perjury according to the irreplaceable Jason Leopold at truthout, but he will probably be allowed to surrender himself with dignity, though we will likely get a little "perp walk" video of our boy in bracelets.

Two questions remain. One, will he also be indicted on the more serious charge of obstruction of justice ? The informed betting says yes.

Two, can any Republican congressional candidate accept any assistance of any kind from an indicted Karl Rove ?

The Zoo is split. The younger, less experienced contributor believes that Rove continues his political activities unhindered. The Elder, battle seasoned and savvy, thinks Rove will be as radioactive as weapons grade plutonium. What candidate could possibly risk an incessant barrage of "Hey, have you heard from Karl today ?" from his chortling opponent ?

What do you think ? Join the conversation.

There aren't many days like this, so enjoy it and

Stay Naked


Anonymous Anonymous said...

be still my beating heart!
the house of cards continues to fall. I have to agree with your pops Adam, he is radioactive at this point. With elections coming in five months and the polls showing clearly what is coming.. I doubt anyone with any thought to a future in politics will be having conversations with Rove for the simple matter that you can bet they will be wiretapped. Oo-ya
Sean D

11:14 PM  
Blogger John1975 said...

I do love your blog. Sorry I don't comment more often.

I actually hadn't heard this yet. I'm so glad he was indicted and hope he gets life in prison...well, at least a few years anyway!



6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can only add that if Republicans run on a dual platform of fear/patriotism and wedge social issues in conjunction with some election day dirty tricks, i.e. phone bank jamming, discounted ballots of African Americans, etc. then Rove is involved. Repubs seem to be setting up the wedge issues with flag burning and gay marriage votes impending in the Senate. As for patriotism, expect more of the same from the last two elections, although they do seem to be trying to emphasize the "booming economy", continuing their Orwellian strategy of political doublespeak.

2:34 PM  

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