Thursday, August 31, 2006

Happy Days Are Here Again

The Zookeepers are third and fourth generation Californians respectively and have had to suffer certain humiliations in recent years. If it wasn't crooked public servants of various stripes, it was catastrophic power shortages or the ongoing shame of having a movie star for a governor for the second time in living memory.

But things are looking up. Against all odds the California legislature has passed a bill providing for universal health care for every California resident. California would thus join the rest of the industrialized world in having such a comprehensive system, leaving the rest of the U.S. behind. So long, suckers ! Work remains to be done. The present movie star governor needs to sign the bill ( and apparently needs a little persuading, click HERE if you'd like to help) and a second bill describing the financing needs to be passed, but this is real progress and California is leading the way. We feel taller.

And that isn't all, no sir. For more on California leadership we look to another bill by which the Golden State proposes to again lead the nation by imposing a cap on greenhouse gas emissions. George Bush can see the Kyoto Accords he tried to avoid suddenly moving onshore.

California ! California ! The hills ring back our cry, California do or die, California ! California ! and etc.

Maybe its time to make the ancient map a reality and create California as an island, separate from the heaving bulk of the United States with its steaming and benighted masses. Healthy and pure, we will realize the golden promise that was ever ours.

I left my hearrrrrrt in San Francisco and etc.

Perhaps you care to move to California while there is still time, but at least


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Wanna debate?

Meet me after school behind the bike racks. It's time to settle this mano a mano. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called out President Bush to debate him on 'how to end problems in the world.' The White House responded by calling the request for dialogue a 'diversion'. Can you imagine if it happened. Ahmadinejad would rend him asunder...that said, an average three year old should be able to have their way with him (Mr. Kerry...your balls are in the lost and found).
Can you hear the engines of the figher bombers warming up? You should my friend. You should.
Below is an amazing piece of video. The man in the picture is one Michael De Kort. He is a former Lockeheed Martin engineer who worked on refurbishing a fleet of US Coast Guard cutters on a projec titled Deepwater. He alleges some pretty serious security problems.
"What I am going to tell you is going to seem preposterous," De Kort solemnly tells viewers near the outset of the 10-minute clip. Posted three weeks ago, the video describes what De Kort says are blind spots in the ship's security cameras, equipment that malfunctions in cold weather and other problems. "It may be very hard for you to believe that our government and the largest defense contractor in the world [are] capable of such alarming incompetence and can make ethical compromises as glaring as what I am going to describe." In response to De Kort's charges, a Coast Guard spokeswoman said the service has "taken the appropriate level of action." A spokeswoman for the contractors said the allegations were without merit.
He tried going through regular channels and no one listened so what did he do? He posted on and now?
The video also has caught the eye of people in high places. De Kort's video has been covered by defense trade magazines, and yesterday, Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), ranking Democrat on the Homeland Security Committee, wrote a letter to the Coast Guard asking for an answer to De Kort's "extremely distressing" allegations.

"I want to make sure that the product we paid for is a product that does not jeopardize our men and women in service," Thompson said.

The Department of Homeland Security's inspector general's office had launched an investigation into De Kort's allegations before the video was released, and spokeswoman Tamara Faulkner said that inquiry should be completed in the next few months. Although De Kort said he believed the Coast Guard was not cooperating, Faulkner said she did not know of any problems.


Stay revolutionary and as always...

Stay Naked.


Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Second Greatest Generation

We don't know about you, but we are getting just a little tired of hearing about "The Greatest Generation" and how they had to deal with the Great Depression and the Second World War and still built the most advanced and productive society on earth. O.k., o.k.

The Elder Zookeeper is old enough he knew these folks and they were just folks. He didn't grow up thinking "what impossible paragons of virtue these people are". They were people. They drank, they fought, they had moods. And as for the rest, the "big events" ? Well, let's take a look.

The "Big War" ? WWII ? We've already been in Iraq longer than it took us to beat Germany and if the festivities in that sticken land last through December (and who among us, Oh Best Beloved, thinks they won't ?) then this war will have lasted longer than our entire war from Pearl Harbor to Nagasaki. So put that in your D-Day. With a little luck (bad), we could beat WWII by 50-100%.

And the so-called "Great Depression" ? Just stick around. By the time the perfect storm of peak oil, China and India's energy demands, Bush budget deficits, falling real wages for American workers and the economic calamity triggered by the collapse of the U.S. housing market resulting from the adjustment of all of the adjustable mortgages out there your next career may well be selling apples on street corners ( a treasured image from the last Great Depression).

So, buck up. At the end of your golden years you may well hear our children and grandchildren talking about what a great bunch we were.

Oops. I forgot about the properity and productivity part. Oh well, stay cheerful, stay optimistic and


Monday, August 28, 2006

When the Going Gets Tough

The world is not an easy place for news folk. Oh, it's easy enough for folks like Fox who have a clear world view they can impose on any story. And for straight shooters like the Christian Science Monitor who can at least struggle toward objectivity.

No, we're thinking about the news services like UPI (formerly United Press International, before we entered the Era of the Acronym) and AP (formerly Associated Press, see above).

Besides having their own reporters these outfits pickup stories from other sources and distribute them to their subscribers. This, however, may lead to some kind of professional schizophrenia on days like today when UPI is carrying a story from the LA Times bearing the headline Baghdad Violent Death Toll Falling which reports a "sharp drop" in the number of violent deaths in Iraq's capital after last month's record 1800.

While the "sharp drop" is not quantified and the good news is qualified by the observation that there is still no plan to disarm the Shia militias responsible for most Sunni deaths, the lead and headline stand. Fine.

On the same day, however, the UPI editors feel compelled to carry a story from CNN with the headline Violence Sweeps Iraq, Undermining Politics. Also datelined Baghdad, this one is the more familiar recital of bomb blasts, death and fatuous utterances by politicians, e.g., the Brit Defense Minister Des Browne saying "each time I come I see more progress".

Is the LA Times story the first harbinger of real change in the security situation in Iraq or one of the last gasps of the mindless support for Bush's war policies from the media ? Is the CNN story evidence of liberal bias, grimly hanging on to bad news even when evidence of change appears or simply realistic reporting of the continuing decline of matters Iraqi ?

What is a UPI editor to do ? We, of course, would suggest that she remain calm and


Saturday, August 26, 2006

The U.S. Energy Plan at Work

For a long time all we knew about the Bush energy plan was that Dick Cheney had disappeared into an undisclosed location with some undisclosed energy honchos and cooked up an energy policy for all of us.

Now we are beginning to see the fruits of that policy hanging on the trees.

That big bunch a juicy red grapes hanging over there are the 300 new jobs available at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission which is expecting lots of new business as the nuclear energy industry ramps up behind all the new tax breaks in the new policy. NRC is expecting lots of upgrading of existing plants (adding 3000 megawatts) and as many as 27 new plants (adding an additional 6000 mw).

Nagging problems include anti-nuclear activists and the continuing and intractable problem of disposing of the radioactive waste from the plants. Since the dawn of the nuclear age in 1945 we have succeeded in dealing with approximately none of the waste that has been generated by energy and weapons production. The "final solution", the depository at Yucca Mountain, keeps slipping into the future, presently "scheduled" (don't snicker, these are serious people) for 2017 ( with some speculating 2020) against its original 1998 planned opening.

Then we have, for the alternative energy minded, one of our principal solar energy companies announcing a great big ripe melon of an investment of $150,000,000, in a state-of-the-art photovoltaic cell manufacturing plant that will also generate 400 highly desirable high-tech jobs . . . in the former East Germany.
Apparently the incentives for solar energy are better in the former Communist police state than they are here under the Bush energy policy. We suspect that Amory Lovins was not in with the Cheney in-crowd.

You may join in our suspicions or not, but in any case

Friday, August 25, 2006

Israel may 'Go it alone'

What exactly does that mean? According to the Jeruselum Post it means that Israel is in the process of determining whether or not to halt Iran's uranium enrichment program unilaterally. Israel has reportedly added two German made nuclear-capable submarines to it's fleet, bringing the total it will now field to five nuclear-capable submarines. According to the article, the Israelis believe US President Bush is not entertaining a strike against Iran until sometime in 2008, near the end of his term...this is the crux of their argument and every argument you read:
"The first thing they need to do is stop the enrichment of uranium. Everyday that passes brings the Iranians closer to building a nuclear bomb. The world can't afford a nuclear Iran." She said the Iranian reply to the Western incentives was just an attempt to "gain time."

That was the Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni. Where to begin. We live in a world that 'affords' a nuclear America, France, China, Russia, Paikistan, India, the United Kingdom...oh...and North Korea and Israel. So why can't we afford a nuclear Iran. Mostly it sounds like it's because they are belligerent and have ties to terrorist organizations...who invaded Afganistan? Iraq? Lebanon? What's the only nation Iran has fought? Oh...Iraq. Which invaded them. Which we just invaded. Sounds like we might actually see eye to eye with Iran on some things...It makes my head hurt.
Fortunately, Afghanistan is roaring towards Democracy and embracing freedom...oh wait. Ok, forget I said anything;)
Thank God we still live in the land of the Free...unless you mean Freedom of Speech that is. Javed Iqbal, a Brooklyn resident, was arrested for what? For providing New York area customers of his HDTV company access to Hezbollah TV. Yes, for broadcasting information the government deemed unacceptable he was arrested. When are they coming for you?
This is awesome. A crank caller got on the air during a live taping of CNN's 'The Situation Room'. Some may be appalled that Wolf Blitzer is trying to profit from the murder of a little girl so you tell me what the larger crime is...

Stay Naked.


Thursday, August 24, 2006

News from the Plant World

Remember Starlink corn ? That was the genetically modified stuff that accidentally and illegally made its way into the human food chain. Specifically into Taco Bell taco shells, creating untold havoc and expense for The Bell.

Well, we are having something of a repeat, only this time its with rice. Bayer Corp. has admitted that a GE variety it developed, but decided not to market, has contaminated stocks destined for human use. The FDA says the subject strain is like some others they have tested and is safe. Probably. Looks like a big headache for the billion dollar rice export industry as many other countries are strict about GE contamination, making a market for another Bayer product.

You may also be interested to know that a bill allowing hemp to be grown in California is nearing passage in the legislature. Easy, stoners, that's hemp, not weed, smoke, pot, dope, maryjane or marijuana. No getting high on this stuff, but it is useful for lots of other stuff from food to canvas to the paper on which our Constitution was drafted.
The Feds won't permit hemp so this will be an all-California deal with no interstate commerce to trigger action by the DEA. We hope.

Do you like golf courses ? Those peaceful green vistas of lush lawns as far as the eye can see ? Then you'll probably be glad that a GE variety of grass developed for golf courses has escaped its experimental limits and entered the wild and may make the whole %#*&@ world look like a golf course. This "frankengrass" can reproduce sexually or asexually and was bred to be reistant to Roundup, the most commonly used herbicide.
Its enviromental impact "remains to be seen", mainly because there's damn little we can do about it, one way or the other.

All of these stories are brought to you courtesy of the Organic Consumers Association and they have lots more like this. If you are interested in what you eat and other such trivial matters, check them out and


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Make Ours Organic and Free Trade !

An update on the Sebastopol Whole Foods anti-free speech policy reported earlier.

The update is: It doesn't exist.

We reported what we thought was a new corporate-wide Whole Foods policy barring political activities at their stores. This is not the case.

The Sebastopol and Santa Rosa stores have barred all political activities because they felt they needed to bar a particularly aggressive Christian group soliciting donations in front of their stores and their lawyers (Wholes Foods' lawyers, not the Christians' lawyers) told them "bar one, bar all". So, in order to get rid of the pushy donation seekers, they also had to get rid of the signature gatherers they had previously allowed.

That's it. Story over. Send the crew back to covering non-developments in decade-old child murders and

Stay Naked

Monday, August 21, 2006

The Iraqi Government Doesn't Exist

Michael Schwartz, writing for tomdispatch, makes a simple case for the nonexistence of the Iraqi government we have spent so much to create.
A government needs coercive power to enforce its rules, an administrative structure to deliver services and directives and resources to do both. The Iraqis, according to Schwartz, are o for 3, possessing not a single one of the necessary attributes.
And that is just one of the "Seven Facts You Might not Know About the Iraq War". And might not want to know.
These are like the dispatches that were issued as the British and French navies pursued the Bismarck to her doom. Only this time we're the Bismarck.
Read this one, Oh Best Beloved. It is lucid, plausible and , as is usual with fare of this quality coming out of Iraq, indicates that things really are worse than we thought. Again.
In the circumstance we can only recommend that you
Stay Naked

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Props to Agitprop...

Hey Zooheads. Look down the right side of the page and you'll see a link to Agitprop, a great website in our humble opinion. He does these wonderful round-ups of the right wing blogs. Check it out HERE at 'Wingnut Round-up'


Fuck Cnn. Thanks to AmericaBlog for pointing this out. CNN wants you to be afraid of your neighbor...very, very afraid. They even promise to show you how to detect a terrorist...who looks just like you. Maybe you'll even discover that you need to turn yourself in before you blow yourself up?
Keith Olbermann for President. The video below is an updated version of an Olbermann segment titled 'The Nexus of Politics and Terrorism'. He points out times that the Bush administration has benefited politically from times in which we advised to be very very afraid. It is so good it needs no further lead and wince:)

Stay Skeptical and as always...

Stay Naked.


Saturday, August 19, 2006

Been There, Done That

You know that haunting feeling that you have already been a place you haven't been or are doing something you haven't done ? They call it deja vú. But, that's not what we're talking about, because we actually have been here before and we actually have done this before.

What are these idiots quacking about now ? Glad you asked.

Once before we were run into a war in the Mideast on the basis of flawed (at best) or falsified intelligence provided to us by the Bush Administration. They are doing it again.

Once before that "intelligence" included the news that the target country had an advanced nuclear weapons program. This time there seems to be more evidence, but the parallel remains.

Once before the "intelligence" included the news that the target country was secretly trying to obtain uranium from Africa. Last time it was Niger, this time it is Congo, but the quality of the information seems about the same, i.e., about nil.

Once before an important conduit of this "intelligence" from the bowels of the Pentagon ( then, the "Office of Special Plans", now, the "Iran Directorate") was a man named Abram Shulsky. Mr. Shulsky, formerly of the OSP, is now a consultant to the ID and from there to Vice-President and ChickenHawk-in-Chief Cheney.

Mr. Shulsky is also closely connected with the Project for a New American Century, the intellectual underpinning of the entire Bush foreign policy.

The whole story is at Raw Story.

They are doing it again. They are phonying up a case to take us to war, this time against Iran. They think we, like they, have learned nothing from the Iraq fiasco and will permit ourselves to be herded by our fears.

Once before there were millions of people in the streets in opposition to the war. It wasn't enough. Start thinking about what it will take to prevent this one, start doing something about it and, at all costs,

Stay Naked

Friday, August 18, 2006

This Shall Not Stand !

Well, maybe it will stand.
But, not without suffering a searching investigation by the Zoo!
Well, we'll ask a couple of questions, anyway. Already have, in fact.

The question ? Why has Whole Foods adopted a corporate policy against political signature gatherers at their locations ?

Up to very recently, the Whole Foods local to the EZ (in Sebastopol, CA, a nuclear free zone) was Ground Zero for paid and volunteer signature collectors for every cause under the sun. There were never more than two, so the stores were already taking steps to manage any traffic problems that might occur.

Yesterday, the Sebastopol store turned away folks who wanted to gather signatures in support of the latest universal health cared initiative in California, Senate Bill 840. The new policy was given as the reason, but no reason given for the new policy.

The probing eye of the Naked Zoo News Review has been turned toward Whole Foods. Inquiries have been initiated.

We will continue to follow on this change in the formerly-First-Amendment-friendly Whole Foods policy and keep you posted while you consider your options and

Stay Naked

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Now We Get It

For years we have listened to our brethren of The Right rant, rave, froth and bloviate whenever Hollywood types spoke or demonstrated about political issues. Hollywood was denounced as a den of intellectual lightweights who had no business commenting on comic books, to say nothing of public affairs. As the Hollywood hordes were generally on the side of the angels, much was forgiven.

Today we feel the sting of that criticism we have for so long ignored. Nicole Kidman (pictured above in a manner calculated to feature her intellectual attainments) and a group of "Hollywood heavyweights" have boldly stepped forward to take a public stand against terrorism in a full-page LA Times ad.

This, we assume, is to distinquish themselves from the much larger and more influential group that is in favor of terrorism.

The real bell-ringer here, though, is the ad's commitment to defeat terrorism "at all costs". In the present atmosphere and historical moment this can only be construed to include Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, warrantless wiretapping, extraordinary renditions, secret foreign prisons, warrantless and indeterminate detention of American citizens, pointless and ill-executed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and endless support for countless repressive regimes because they are our "allies" in the war on terror.

The defections from this ad should begin soon, as will the backpeddling by Ms. Kidman. In the meantime, keep counting the costs and

Stay Naked

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

'Are Bush An Idiot?'

Okay, that title was for kicks. What I'm referring to is NOT my personal belief that the current President of the United States is a moron. I'm pretty comfortable with that fact at this point...but my point of view is not universal. Millions upon millions of Americans have voted for this guy over and over as THEIR choice to run Texas and the entire United States. What I AM referring to is the super (which is TV-talk for the title of the segment you see at the bottom of the screen when you're watching the news) from last nights 'Scarborough Country' in which Joe posited the question, "Is Bush an 'idiot'?'. I'm not sure what putting 'idiot' in quotes means...a complete idiot? as defined by Websters? (More TV-talk, this was an A-Block segment which meant it led the show which meant the producers thought it was the MOST IMPORTANT NEWS OF THE DAY! as 'Scarborough Country is a daily news show)...Anyways, not only did he genuinely ask the question. He found two fairly big-name Journalist types (John Fund on the Right and Lawrence O'Donnell on the Left) who would come on for 10 MINUTES (another mind-boggling TV number) to discuss if the duly elected President was somehow mentally deficient in some critical way. (See below). And how did Joe Scarborough conclude the segment? MSNBC Transcript HERE.
But we do need a president who, I think, is intellectually curious. And that is a big question, whether George W. Bush has the intellectual curiousness—if that‘s a word—to continue leading this country over the next couple of years?
I swear he said...'intellectual curiousness'. Fortunately for Joe, 'curiousness' is a word:)

curiousness n 1: a state of active curiosity [syn: inquisitiveness] 2: the quality of being alien or not native; "the strangeness of a foreigner"

It should be noted that Joe Scarborough is a dyed in the wool Republican. He is a former Congressman elected in the Republican reviolution of 1994. He is a signatory on the famous 'Contract with America'.

This is not satire or a nod to the Daily Show (although the Daily Show is featured in the segment as an example of people making fun of Bush)...

Stay weird and as always...

Stay Naked.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Some Good News and Some Bad News

Let's by God start with the good news from Baghdad ! We have a definite show of unity between the Shia majority and the Sunni minority. After all the delays in forming the government and the months of death spiral of sectarian violence, at last, a glimmer of hope as Shia and Sunni join in a common purpose.
Alright, we confess that it might be better if the common purpose was other than to make the United States wrong, but its a start.
At issue is a recent series of explosions in a Shia neighborhood in Baghdad. The Shia residents said it was bombs and mortars and blamed the Sunni insurgents. "Nonsense", says the U.S. military now responsible for preventing such attacks in this area. It was a "gas line explosion" that "triggered secondary blasts, " so saith the U.S. military.
Here's where the good news comes in ! The Sunni insurgents step up to the defense of their Shia brothers and take responsibility for the attack ! See ? Shia and Sunni standing together against a common foe. Us. We're starting to feel better about the whole thing.

(BTW, the above image was the best we could do viv a vis a picture of a Sunni and a Shiite shaking hands. This is al-Jafari, a Shia, and Talibani, a Kurd and the Kurds are "overwhelmingly Sunni". Try google image for "Shia Sunni unity" or "Shia Sunni handshake" and see what you get.)

The bad news comes from Afghanistan. Again. This celebratory group is made up of Taliban fighters. You remember the Taliban. We crushed their military, drove them out of power and established a free and democratic state in their place. Remember ? Oh, surely you remember.
According to this piece
by Sara Daniel from Le Nouvel Observateur translated by truthout, things have become very, very grim indeed. That's two "verys".
Among the high ( or low) lights of the report:
  • The Taliban have attacked 300 schools in the past 6 months to prevent the education of girls.
  • Confidence in government has collapsed to the point that a recent poll of 29 provinces found that nobody (as in not a single person) would turn to "the authorities" for help with a problem.
  • Corruption has reached the point, according to former planning Minister Ramazan Bachardoust, "even the Commission Against Corruption is corrupt."
  • President Karzai, again according to Bachardoust, must rely on the warlords to keep order and the warlords are cutting deals with the Taliban.
  • And everybody is scheming for a piece of the billion dollar heroin business when "drug experts estimate that there has never been a better year for the poppy harvest in the history of Afghanistan."
Consider these things, Oh Best Beloved, read the rest of the piece if you can spare the anger and the tears, meditate on the lives and treasure that we have squandered on this ill-planned and wretchedly executed enterprise, register to vote and

Stay Naked

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Algae Tastes Great! Less Filling!

Mmm. Looks good doesn't it? You might want to get used to the idea that we are going to be moving our diet down the foodchain as it appears we're killing everything at the top. The LA Times has a brilliant, if horrifying article, on the subject titled 'The Primeval Tide of Toxins' or as a scientist in the article says, 'The rise of slime'.
What are they talking about? It's pretty simple. We're dumping so many toxins into the ocean via run-off, direct dumping (pipes etc.) and the burning of fossil fuels that we are reversing evolution. The most basic organisms...algae, bacteria and other primitive organisms are loving life and exploding in number all over the planet. The reulst is they are literally choking the life out of 'higher organisms' by clouding the water and cutting off light and using up the oxygen creating 'dead zones'.
The article starts with some anecdotes about 'fireweed' ,a type of cyanobacteria found in Moreton Bay, Australia. If you think all algae is mushy and harmless think again
The fireweed began each spring as tufts of hairy growth and spreads across the seafloor fast enough to cover a football field in an hour.
When fishermen touched it, their skin broke out in searing welts. Their lips blistered and peeled. Their eyes burned and swelled shut. Water that splashed from their nets spread the inflammation to their legs and torsos.
Grows fast enough to cover a football field in an hour? Searing welts? According to the article a few guys went to the bathroom without properly cleaning the bacteria off with predictably painful results. At first they didn't know what it was but...
Scientist Judith O'Neil put a tiny sample under a microscope and peered at the long black filaments. Consulting a botanical reference, she identified the weed as a strain of cyanobacteria, an ancestor of modern-day bacteria and algae that flourished 2.7 billion years ago.
and is now flourishing in Australia. I warn you, this is a straighforward article but reading it is like a kick in the stomach. This is not something that may happen if we continue our current trends. It is happening. Now. Everywhere. My favorite quote in the article:
"My kids will tell their children: Eat your jellyfish."
In a related story, Oregon is experiencing the worst 'dead zone' off the coast of Oregan ever recorded as reported HERE by Oregon Public Broadcasting. They've had this phenomenon for the last five years but this year was extra bad.
Oregon State University scientists just back from a research cruise are reporting "a wave of death" off the Oregon Coast.

Underwater sea life is literally suffocating from lack of dissolved oxygen. Beachcombers also reported several unusual fish deaths on the Washington coast this past month. But the latest spot checks of Washington waters have conditions back to normal.

The mystery deepens
Here's local Fawn Sharp:
"We were hoping that is was just a short-term, not a long-term problem or phenomenon that's killing our seafood. But now it's gone. So hopefully, the good Lord willing, it's run its course."
Now it's time for a little game we call cross-quotes.

Oregan Article: ""Shapes started coming into focus and we were seeing what looked to be dead worms -- fairly good sized worms. Then we started coming upon piles and piles of dead Dungeness crabs. We didn't see one living fish all day long."

LA Times Article: "The bottom is littered with the ghostly silhouettes of dead crabs, sea stars and other animals."

The LA Times quote comes from a study of a 'dead zone' off the coast of Louisiana. Remember the Oregan 'dead zone' is a mystery. Here's what the Times had to say about the Louisiana situation
The cause of death is decaying algae. Fed by millions of tons of fertilizer, human and animal waste, and other farm runoff racing down the Mississippi River, tiny marine plants run riot, die and drift to the bottom. Bacteria then take over. In the process of breaking down the plant matter, they suck the oxygen out of seawater, leaving little or none for fish or other marine life.
I have notified the proper authorities in Oregon:)

Stay wet and and as always...

Stay Naked.


Saturday, August 12, 2006

We Need a Program, Because . . .

. . . you can't tell the players without a program.

A case in point. UPI reports somebody comparing our battle in Iraq to Nazi Germany's battle at Stalingrad. The somebody is William S. Lind, director for something called the Center for Cultural Conservatism at something called the Free Congress Foundation.

Now for those of you too young and/or disinterested to know, Stalingrad was the rock upon which the Nazi juggernaut broke. As Mr. Lind points out in his thoughtful piece, similarities between the Battle of Stalingrad (Aug. 1942 - Feb. 1943) and our Iraq War (March 2003 - ?) include:
1. We and the Germans committed too few troops;
2. We and the Germans underestimated the capacity of the enemy to counter-attack;
3. We and the Germans were able to take, but not hold, our objective; and
4. We and the Germans committed resources we needed elsewhere.

A fairly damning indictment, comparing our present effort to one of the truly historic military debacles of the modern era. So who is this harsh critic and what point of view does he represent ?

Well, the Free Congress Foundation describes itself as "politically conservative" think tank concerned with preserving "our traditional, Judeo-Christian, Western culture". They are worried we are sliding " into the cultural and moral decay of political correctness".

So, much for the Mother Ship. What about the Center for Cultural Conservatism ? Once again it is focussed on the " necessary, unbreakable, and causal relationship between traditional Western, Judeo-Christian values [and] definitions of right and wrong".

These aren't President Bush's liberal hyenas, snapping at his heels, this is his ideological base.
Pretty soon the supporters of this was are going to be able to meet in phone booths.

We, of course, recommend that you keep a careful eye on these shifting political winds and

Stay Naked.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Chad Vader: Episode II

Hey Zooheads, sorry about the delay. Here's the promised second episode of Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager.

and let's give credit where credit is due:

Brought to you by Blame Society Productions. Watch many more of our films on our main website at: and also check out for more shows like this - the unavoidable future of entertainment!

Written and Directed by Aaron Yonda and Matt Sloan

Produced by Courtney Collins (

Music - Andrew Yonda (
Cinematography - Tona Williams ( and John Urban (
Lighting Director - John Urban (
Casting Director - Courtney Collins (
Assitant Director - Doug Chapin
Sound Design - John Lee
Sound Technicians - Kathy Fischer and Liberty Karp
Location Supervisor - Amanda Biederman
Editing - Aaron Yonda and Matt Sloan
Special Effects - Aaron Yonda
Audio Mixing - Aaron Yonda

Chad - Aaron Yonda
Clint/Voice of Chad - Matt Sloan
Randy - Brad Knight (http://monkeybusinessinstitut
Lloyd - Rob Matsushita (http://robmatsushita.blogspot .com)
Clarissa - Christina LaVicka ( ppleton)
Tammy - KeaLynn Kees
Tony - Asa Derks
Jeremy Wickstrom - Paul Guse
Angry Customer - Damon Butler
Weird Jimmy - Craig Johnson
Waiter - Doug Reed

With: Cindy Brekken, Casey Brown, Vijay Prabhu Dandamudi, Drew Foerster, Nick Foerster, Kate George, Sindee Kleckner, Collin Klug, Keefe Klug, Jordan Marko, Caiden Melendy, Chris Melendy, Deanna Reed, Ilsa Reed, Laszlo Reed, Justin Sprecher, Marcus Trapp

Filmed on Location at Willy Street Co-op, Madison, WI
Special Thanks to Brendan Smith ... (more) (less)

Stay Interstellar and as always...

Stay Naked.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

I'd Like to Buy the World a Choke

Or a Pepsi. Makes no difference to us, we treat 'em both the same.

The accompanying map is for the discerning consumer in Las Vegas NV who wishes to patronize those locations featuring his favorite cola and very handy it would be for a person who gave a gram of rat feces about the choice.

A map of India made for this purpose, however, would now have to omit the entire state of Kerala as it has banned the production and sale of both beverages throughout its jurisdiction. Why ? We're glad you asked.

Because recent scientific tests reveal the products to contain a "cocktail of three to five different pesticides". Maybe it was just a little pesticide ? How about "24 times above the limits set by the Indian government".

Kerala (population 31.8 million) followed several other Indian states which had banned the sodas from their schools, colleges and hospitals, but was the first to issue a state wide ban.

Coke and Pepsi spokespeople didn't. Speak, that is. Unavailable for comment.

AlJazeera will give you the full yarn while you reach for a Snapple and

Stay Naked

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Lebanese Oil Spill

See the pic above? It shows the 'Lebanese Oil Spill of 2006'. I don't know that I'd call it a spill. A spill makes you think it was an accident. The Lebanese 'spill' is the result of Israeli bombing and an assortment of other causes. Beirut's Mayor Abdel Monem Ariss: appeared other factors also contributed to the environmental disaster _ a leak from an Egyptian commercial boat that was apparently hit by a Hezbollah missile off Beirut, another from an Israeli gunboat also hit by Hezbollah, as well as effluent from a cement factory in northern Lebanon that attacked by Israeli forces.

So, help is on the way right?
A shipment of 10 trucks from Kuwait containing material and equipment was to arrive Friday night via Syria to help contain the spill, but crews cannot get to the shores to start cleanup work because of the hostilities

Well that sucks. This would easily be the biggest story on earth and you'd see a massive international repsonse to clean this up. It's already polluted Lebanese and Syrian beaches and appears headed to Greece and Turkey...

Note: the spill occured over a week ago. Have you heard of it?


If you haven't seen this yet sit back and enjoy the life of 'Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager'

I love the web. Episode II tomorrow:)

Stay Freaky and above all...

Stay Naked.


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I couldn't resist.

This is just one of those 'only on the web' kind of stories. 'The Rapture Index' is for real. In the interest of fairness, I will let the webmaster explain it himself
The Rapture Index has two functions: one is to factor together a number of related end time components into a cohesive indicator, and the other is to standardize those components to eliminate the wide variance that currently exists with prophecy reporting.

The Rapture Index is by no means meant to predict the rapture, however, the index is designed to measure the type of activity that could act as a precursor to the rapture.

You could say the Rapture index is a Dow Jones Industrial Average of end time activity, but I think it would be better if you viewed it as prophetic speedometer. The higher the number, the faster we're moving towards the occurrence of pre-tribulation rapture.

The higher the number...the faster we're moving towards the occurence of pre-tribulation rapture. Let's see the numbers
Rapture Index of 85 and Below: Slow prophetic activity
Rapture Index of 85 to 110: Moderate prophetic activity
Rapture Index of 110 to 145: Heavy prophetic activity
Rapture Index above 145: Fasten your seat belts

Whoa. So anything above 145 it's go time. Where are we at right now?
Rapture Index 158

Oh oh. What are the criteria?

1. False Christs
2. Occult
3. Satanism
4. Unemployment
5. Inflation
6. Interest Rates
7. The Economy
8. Oil Supply/Price
9. Debt and Trade
10. Financial unrest
11. Leadership
12. Drug abuse
13. Apostasy
14. Supernatural
15. Moral Standards
16. Anti-Christian
17. Crime Rate
18. Ecumenism
19. Globalism
20. Tribulation Temple
21. Anti-Semitism
22. Israel
23. Gog (Russia)
24. Persia (Iran)
25. The False Prophet
26. Nuclear Nations
27. Global Turmoil
28. Arms Proliferation
29. Liberalism
30. The Peace Process
31. Kings of the East
32. Mark of the Beast
33. Beast Government
34. The Antichrist
35. Date Settings
36. Volcanoes
37. Earthquakes
38. Wild Weather
39. Civil Rights
40. Famine
41. Drought
42. Plagues
43. Climate
44. Food Supply
45. Floods

Wow. So what can be done? Apparently nothing...other then accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior of course.

Stay Wiggley and as always...

Stay Naked.


Monday, August 07, 2006

You Have to Love It !

This gives every appearance of being legit. A small clothing company that sells in France adapted its "Garment Care" label for the French market.

After the usual admonitions about warm water and avoiding bleach, the last two lines read

"We are sorry Our President is an idiot.
We didn't vote for him."

Well, neither did we.

The official line by the clothing company, Tom Bihn, is that the joke was intended to be on Tom Bihn himself, president of the tiny company and that others (like us) "assumed" it was about a different president.

The company made a shirt with the label englarged and reproduced on the front and sold them to raise money for a a Seattle veterans organization. We are sorry to say they are sold out, but raised $18,000+ for the vets.

Good on ya, Tom Bihn & Co. and since we can't get a shirt we'll just

Stay Naked

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Vote Lieberman!

So saeth Tom DeLay, Ann Coulter and Bill Kristol! Seriously, I am not making this up.

Tom DeLay:
[Lieberman's] very good on the war," DeLay said during an interview this week on the Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes" program.
Ann Coulter:
Conservative columnist Ann Coulter's defending Lieberman, as well, going on at some length during an interview with Fox's Neal Cavuto to explain how much she admires the senator and suggesting that, instead of fighting for the Democratic nomination in Connecticut, Lieberman ought to switch parties. "I think he should come all the way and become a Republican," argues Coulter, who says of Lieberman and the GOP: "at least he'd fit in with the party."
Bill Kristol:
Lieberman's latest campaign contribution list features a $500 donation from Bill Kristol, the editor of the Weekly Standard, a publication so Pravda-like in its cheerleading for the Iraq imbroglio – and for an attack on Iran -- that Vice President Dick Cheney has stacks of each new edition delivered to the White House for distribution to the staff.

Thank you Common Dreams for putting these quotes together. Check out the article HERE.

Stay Republ...ummm Democ...errr...

Stay Naked.


Saturday, August 05, 2006

Author Steven Kotler TODAY on the Zoo!

Hey Zooheads. We're fired up to have author Steven Kotler on the Naked Zoo today at 10:00amPST/1:00pmEST. Listen live at 90.5fm if you're in the San Francisco Bay Area or live on-line at
Steven Kotler is a searcher. Of answers. Of adventures. He is also a collector. Of questions. Of stories. Of experiences. 'West of Jesus' is his auto-biographical attempt to explain the seemingly unexplainable. How does one 'experience' God or the eternal? How does one experience 'one-ness' with the universe? and what are you actually experiencing? Is it God? A neurochemical reaction in the brain? Does our knowledge of brain chemistry enhance or detract from our experience of God? Kotler tackles these questions with a gifted storytellers skill and a journalists attention to 'just the facts ma'am'. I found 'West of Jesus' to be an exhilarating, fascinating romp into 'Surfing, science and the Origins of Belief'...

You can buy the book or check out more about Kotler at his website...

"My earliest childhood belief was a sneaking suspicion that the world was more mysterious than people were letting on"

Stay Mystical and as always....

Stay Naked.


Friday, August 04, 2006

Just a Footnote

We see a house burning and we think, "I hope they have insurance". Have a car minor car accident and you think about insurance. Have a major accident and you think about car and health insurance. And maybe disability insurance. Insurance, in one way or another, touches everything we do.

Advertising for the industry portrays it as caring and compassionate, the "good hands people" and your "good neighbor". Unfortunately, this image is frequently so distant from reality that the Enterprise would have to travel at Warp Factor Six for weeks to bridge the gap.

The Elder Zookeeper is, among other things, a lawyer, licensed (as the saying goes) to appear before all the courts of California. He has recently been involved in an effort to get those courts to recognize a tool provided by the Legislature to help control abuse by insurance companies. The experience has been an eyeopener for the E.Z. who was no fan of insurance companies when he started.

The chief defendant in this case (who so far has been absolutely kicking our butts) is a company called Unum-Provident. The California Insurance Commissioner recently described them as an "outlaw company". Otherwise, Unum is a gigantic national insurance company.

We are now seeking to have the California Supreme Court review the disasterously ill-conceived opinions of the lower courts. What follows is one footnote from a letter urging that review. The footnote contains the partial record of one insurance company. Read and be educated.

See, e.g., Hedley-Whyte v. Unum Life Ins. Co. of America, No. Civ. A. 94-11731-GAO, 1996 WL 208492, at *3 (D. Mass. Mar. 6, 1996) (O’Toole, J.) (noting that attorney’s fees were particularly appropriate because Unum Life’s construction of its policy was so clearly at odds with its plain language); Keller v. Unum Life Ins. Co. of America, No. 90 Civ. 5718 (VLB), 1992 WL 346343, at *2 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 30, 1992) (describing Unum’s behavior as “culpably abusive”).
Numerous courts have reversed these companies’ denials of benefits under a de novo standard, many times criticizing their practices. See Curtin v. Unum Life Ins. Co. of America, 298 F. Supp. 2d 149, 159 (D. Me. 2004) (“[T]his Court finds that Defendants exhibited a low level of care to avoid improper denial of claims at great human expense.”); Locher v. Unum Life Ins. Co. of America, No. 96 Civ. 3828(LTS)(HPB), 2002 WL 362769, at *9-10 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 7, 2002) (overturning Unum’s denial of benefits, despite Unum’s argument that the claimant was not disabled because she worked a full day the day she left her job); Barone v. Unum Life Ins. Co. of America, 186 F. Supp. 2d 777, 787 (E.D. Mich. 2002); Wilkes v. Unum Life Ins. Co. of America, No. 01-C-182-C, 2002 WL 926279, at *10 (W.D. Wis. Jan. 29, 2002) (finding “that the defendant’s position was not substantially justified or taken in good faith”); Hall v. Unum Life Ins. Co. of America, No. 97-CV-1828, 1999 WL 33485551, at *8 (D. Colo. Nov. 1, 1999) vacated in part on other grounds, 300 F.3d 1197 (10th Cir. 2002); Leva v. First Unum Ins. Co., No. 96 CIV 8590(DC), 1999 WL 294802, at *1-2 (S.D.N.Y. May 11, 1999) (noting that “Unum is ‘culpable’ in the sense that it did not consider [the plaintiff’s] application with the care that she deserved,” and that the only medical review of the claim was done by a registered nurse, who happened to be the claims examiner’s mother); Jones v. Unum Life Ins. Co. of America, No. 99-7173, 1998 WL 778366, at *6 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 6, 1998), vacated in part on other grounds, 223 F.3d 130 (2d Cir. 2000); Ragsdale v. Unum Life Ins. Co. of America, 999 F. Supp. 1016, 1026 (N.D. Ohio 1998); Dishman v. Unum Life Ins. Co. of America, No. 96-0015-JSL, 1997 WL 906146, at *11-13 (C.D. Cal. May 9, 1997) (noting that the court would have reached the same decision under an arbitrary and capricious standard, and describing Unum Life’s “unscrupulous conduct” in engaging in “bad faith denial of large claims as a strategy for settling them for substantially less than the amount owed”); Hamner v. Unum Life Ins. Co. of America, No. C 96-1973 TEH, 1997 WL 257515, at *6; (N.D. Cal. May 6, 1997); Mays v. Unum Life Ins. Co. of America, No. 95 C 1168, 1995 WL 631807, at *9 (N.D. Ill. Oct. 24, 1995); Findings of fact and law in: e.g.: Hangarter v. Paul Revere Life Ins. Co. 236 F.Supp.2d 1069, 1107 (N.D.Cal., 2002); Galanty v Paul Revere 23 Cal.4th 368, 388 [1 P.3d 658, 672-672, 97 Cal.Rptr.2d 67,82] (2000); Grosz-Salomon v. Paul Revere Life (2001, 9th Cir.) 237 F.3d 1154, 1157; Dishman v. UNUM Life Ins. Co. of America, 269 F.3d 974, 986-987 (9th Cir. 2001); Dym v. Provident Life and Acc. Ins. Co., 19 F. Supp.2d 1147 (S.D. Cal. 1998); Russell v. Paul Revere Life Ins. Co., 148 F.Supp.2d 392 (D.C. Del. 2001)

Oh, yeah. Stay Naked.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The 9/11 Tapes

Kudos to Vanity Fair for their incredible article based on the taped recordings from NORADs Northeast Headquarters on September 11th, 2001. It's amazing to hear the actual unfolding of events through the eyes and ears of the people trained and dedicated to protecting US airspace on the east coast. Some of the details that come through are how the Pentagon lied about the initial reaction to the hijackings, how the 9/11 panel felt deceived by the Pentagon and further, these tapes will hopefully give some conspiracy theorists (Pops included;) pause...HERE is a link to the full article.
When I asked Nasypany (Major Kevin Nasypany, the facilitys mission-crew commander) about the conspiracy theories—the people who believe that he, or someone like him, secretly ordered the shootdown of United 93 and covered it up—the corners of his mouth began to quiver. Then, I think to the surprise of both of us, he suddenly put his head in his hands and cried. "Flight 93 was not shot down," he said when he finally looked up. "The individuals on that aircraft, the passengers, they actually took the aircraft down. Because of what those people did, I didn't have to do anything."

What Major Nasyphany is talking about is the fact, clear from the tapes, that Flight 93 was already down before our military had a chance to organize a response.

But by the time NEADS (Northeast Air Defense Sector) gets the report of a bomb on United 93, everyone on board is already dead. Following the passengers' counterattack, the plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m., 4 minutes before Cleveland Center notified NEADS, and a full 35 minutes after a Cleveland Center controller, a veteran named John Werth, first suspected something was wrong with the flight. At 9:28, Werth actually heard the guttural sounds of the cockpit struggle over the radio as the hijackers attacked the pilots.

I have to say going through these tapes, watching the video below, knowing that Oliver Stones 9/11 movie is about to be released is bringing back the horror of that day. I am overcome with sadness when I see the World Trade Center burn...sadness for the loss of life but more deeply, sadness that there are people who hate 'us'...'Americans' so much they would commit such an act. I believe that I understand how Muslims feel when they see images of Qana. Why do they hate us so much? Unfortunately, I don't think we like the answer too much.

The documentary 'Loose Change' is probably most responsible for stoking the conspriacy fires. In the interest of fair play I'm going to inlcude a clip below below.

I believe that pretty much all sides want us to be afraid. The terrorists want us to experience terror, the US Government wants us to be constantly afraid, the conspriacy theorists stoke fear and paranoia until no matter who you are or what your belief you're living scared. Well I reject that approach. I reject living in fear...I do so imperfectly but I still do it:) For me real fear is crossing a room to ask a pretty girl to that's fear;)

Stay graceful Zooheads...Stay Positive and as always...

Stay Naked.


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Lost in the Shuffle

The world is largely agreed and independent international agencies have found that Iran, under the leadership of an insane anti-Semite Holocaust denier, is racing toward nuclear weapons capability under the guise of a nuclear "energy" program and we or the Israelis or both are going to have to do something about it pretty damn quick or the smoking gun will come in the form a mushroom cloud over Tel Aviv or Chicago from a device smuggled in by Tehran's terrorist allies.

We trust we have adequately summed up the case for attacking Iran as derived from the various utterances and innuendoes from Messrs. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, their various minions and media mouthpieces and, of course, Ms. Rice.

Sound familiar ? Sound like the run-up to Iraq ? It is. Does it have fatal flaws like the case against Iraq? It does. Do we know about these flaws ? We do, but they have been lost in underreporting and the growing thunder of the war drums. Fortunately, a principal flaw, reported back in March in the New York Times can be summed up in a single word:

The whole story is, of course, extremely technical. the Nukes-4-Dummies version goes like this. For nuclear energy or nuclear weapons, both of which require enriched uranium, you need yellowcake uranium (shades of Niger). From the yellowcake you make a gas, UF4, which you run through a series (or cascade) or centrifuges to make UF6 from which you make the enriched uranium.

Unless, your yellowcake is contaminated with, you guessed it, molybdenum. Unless you can separate it out at the UF4 stage it will still contaminate the UF6 and wreck your centrifuges before you get anything useful.

The Times said Iran has been struggling with this problem without success for twenty years.

So when Bush & Co. ratchet up the case for war on Iraq (and they are) think aluminum tubes, think mobile biological weapons labs, think forged documents, do everything you can think of to stop them and

Stay Naked

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ned Lamont on 'The Colbert Report'

The Democratic Primary in Connecticut is on August 8th dear Zooheads and yours truly is going to work the phones for Lamont tomorrow! Check out the most excellent Lamont appearance on 'The Colbert Report'...Fieberman is scared witless.


(This is a pic of the Big Sur Fire Brigade...Army Brigades are much larger (3000-5000 troops;)...
Here's a not-trick question. How many combat brigades does the US Army have ready to deploy to Iraq? Ok, here's the math...subtract the combat brigades already in Iraq...and you have ZERO! Thanks Raw Story for posting the letter from the group of foreign policy experts formed by what passes for Democratic leadership these days:O) Here's some highlights
Two thirds of the Army's operating force, active and reserve, is now reporting in as unready.
There is not a single non-deployed Army Brigade Combat Team in the United States that is ready to deploy.

That's not so good...and fairly self-explanatory...onwards to Lebananon--->

I wish I could import the graphic from this site but I can't so you need to check it out. The site is aka Israeli/Lebanese Coffin Counter. It's a graphic representation, in coffins, of the death toll so far in the dust-up in Lebanon and Israel. From the site
Each coffin represents a single person killed in the on-going conflict between Israel and Lebanon. I will be updating this page daily with new numbers taken from BBC's coverage on the conflict. For comments and suggestions please email me at info[at]

As soon as this conflict is over, and I hope its over soon, I will update this page with a much detailed information graphic. Right now, I am unable to get reliable sources, that update regularly, with demographic details of the dead and the destruction caused on both sides. For now, I am only going to be showing the number of dead without any other related data.

Last updated on July 30, 2006 15:24 EST

Current Figures:
Israel: 51
UN: 4
Canada: 8
Lebanon: 750

Stay Informed, Give blood and as always...

Stay Naked.
