Saturday, August 05, 2006

Author Steven Kotler TODAY on the Zoo!

Hey Zooheads. We're fired up to have author Steven Kotler on the Naked Zoo today at 10:00amPST/1:00pmEST. Listen live at 90.5fm if you're in the San Francisco Bay Area or live on-line at
Steven Kotler is a searcher. Of answers. Of adventures. He is also a collector. Of questions. Of stories. Of experiences. 'West of Jesus' is his auto-biographical attempt to explain the seemingly unexplainable. How does one 'experience' God or the eternal? How does one experience 'one-ness' with the universe? and what are you actually experiencing? Is it God? A neurochemical reaction in the brain? Does our knowledge of brain chemistry enhance or detract from our experience of God? Kotler tackles these questions with a gifted storytellers skill and a journalists attention to 'just the facts ma'am'. I found 'West of Jesus' to be an exhilarating, fascinating romp into 'Surfing, science and the Origins of Belief'...

You can buy the book or check out more about Kotler at his website...

"My earliest childhood belief was a sneaking suspicion that the world was more mysterious than people were letting on"

Stay Mystical and as always....

Stay Naked.



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