Saturday, August 12, 2006

We Need a Program, Because . . .

. . . you can't tell the players without a program.

A case in point. UPI reports somebody comparing our battle in Iraq to Nazi Germany's battle at Stalingrad. The somebody is William S. Lind, director for something called the Center for Cultural Conservatism at something called the Free Congress Foundation.

Now for those of you too young and/or disinterested to know, Stalingrad was the rock upon which the Nazi juggernaut broke. As Mr. Lind points out in his thoughtful piece, similarities between the Battle of Stalingrad (Aug. 1942 - Feb. 1943) and our Iraq War (March 2003 - ?) include:
1. We and the Germans committed too few troops;
2. We and the Germans underestimated the capacity of the enemy to counter-attack;
3. We and the Germans were able to take, but not hold, our objective; and
4. We and the Germans committed resources we needed elsewhere.

A fairly damning indictment, comparing our present effort to one of the truly historic military debacles of the modern era. So who is this harsh critic and what point of view does he represent ?

Well, the Free Congress Foundation describes itself as "politically conservative" think tank concerned with preserving "our traditional, Judeo-Christian, Western culture". They are worried we are sliding " into the cultural and moral decay of political correctness".

So, much for the Mother Ship. What about the Center for Cultural Conservatism ? Once again it is focussed on the " necessary, unbreakable, and causal relationship between traditional Western, Judeo-Christian values [and] definitions of right and wrong".

These aren't President Bush's liberal hyenas, snapping at his heels, this is his ideological base.
Pretty soon the supporters of this was are going to be able to meet in phone booths.

We, of course, recommend that you keep a careful eye on these shifting political winds and

Stay Naked.


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