Been There, Done That
You know that haunting feeling that you have already been a place you haven't been or are doing something you haven't done ? They call it deja vĂș. But, that's not what we're talking about, because we actually have been here before and we actually have done this before.
What are these idiots quacking about now ? Glad you asked.
Once before we were run into a war in the Mideast on the basis of flawed (at best) or falsified intelligence provided to us by the Bush Administration. They are doing it again.
Once before that "intelligence" included the news that the target country had an advanced nuclear weapons program. This time there seems to be more evidence, but the parallel remains.
Once before the "intelligence" included the news that the target country was secretly trying to obtain uranium from Africa. Last time it was Niger, this time it is Congo, but the quality of the information seems about the same, i.e., about nil.
Once before an important conduit of this "intelligence" from the bowels of the Pentagon ( then, the "Office of Special Plans", now, the "Iran Directorate") was a man named Abram Shulsky. Mr. Shulsky, formerly of the OSP, is now a consultant to the ID and from there to Vice-President and ChickenHawk-in-Chief Cheney.
Mr. Shulsky is also closely connected with the Project for a New American Century, the intellectual underpinning of the entire Bush foreign policy.
The whole story is at Raw Story.
They are doing it again. They are phonying up a case to take us to war, this time against Iran. They think we, like they, have learned nothing from the Iraq fiasco and will permit ourselves to be herded by our fears.
Once before there were millions of people in the streets in opposition to the war. It wasn't enough. Start thinking about what it will take to prevent this one, start doing something about it and, at all costs,
Stay Naked
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