Wednesday, August 16, 2006

'Are Bush An Idiot?'

Okay, that title was for kicks. What I'm referring to is NOT my personal belief that the current President of the United States is a moron. I'm pretty comfortable with that fact at this point...but my point of view is not universal. Millions upon millions of Americans have voted for this guy over and over as THEIR choice to run Texas and the entire United States. What I AM referring to is the super (which is TV-talk for the title of the segment you see at the bottom of the screen when you're watching the news) from last nights 'Scarborough Country' in which Joe posited the question, "Is Bush an 'idiot'?'. I'm not sure what putting 'idiot' in quotes means...a complete idiot? as defined by Websters? (More TV-talk, this was an A-Block segment which meant it led the show which meant the producers thought it was the MOST IMPORTANT NEWS OF THE DAY! as 'Scarborough Country is a daily news show)...Anyways, not only did he genuinely ask the question. He found two fairly big-name Journalist types (John Fund on the Right and Lawrence O'Donnell on the Left) who would come on for 10 MINUTES (another mind-boggling TV number) to discuss if the duly elected President was somehow mentally deficient in some critical way. (See below). And how did Joe Scarborough conclude the segment? MSNBC Transcript HERE.
But we do need a president who, I think, is intellectually curious. And that is a big question, whether George W. Bush has the intellectual curiousness—if that‘s a word—to continue leading this country over the next couple of years?
I swear he said...'intellectual curiousness'. Fortunately for Joe, 'curiousness' is a word:)

curiousness n 1: a state of active curiosity [syn: inquisitiveness] 2: the quality of being alien or not native; "the strangeness of a foreigner"

It should be noted that Joe Scarborough is a dyed in the wool Republican. He is a former Congressman elected in the Republican reviolution of 1994. He is a signatory on the famous 'Contract with America'.

This is not satire or a nod to the Daily Show (although the Daily Show is featured in the segment as an example of people making fun of Bush)...

Stay weird and as always...

Stay Naked.



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