"Americans are perfectly fond of war as long as they’re winning."

Can this be true? Are Americans perfectly fond of war as long as we're winning? Pretty sharp insight from the Boys over at Pravda. Check out the full editorial HERE. The article presumes totalitarian ambitions of this administration in a way that is disarming...as if the debate is over on this count?
How about it Zooheads? Are we already a totalitarian state? Funny that it's the Russians calling us totalitarians. That's almost a compliment coming from a country that is practicing genocide on it's own population (See Chechnya)
Let's see what the rest of the world thinks about us. How about our friends the North Koreans?
"North Korea's powerful revolutionary armed forces have the countermeasures to cope with any preemptive attack that the U.S. imperialists may mount. If they dare provoke it, the army and people of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea will mercilessly wipe out the American imperialist aggressors."
That sounds bad. We better not mess with them... Can't we all just get along?
So what's a guy to do? Apparently work for himself! According to a report out by the University of Durham, you'll be happier if you work for yourself...so you cubicle jockeys...time to say...UP YOURS! to the man and start your own gig! Any ideas?

Stay Free. Stay Nuclear. Stay American...
and as always...
Stay Naked.
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