Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Nice Time for a Twofer

We all remember Katherine Harris who, in her dual role as Florida's Secretary of State and George Bush's state campaign chairman, helped engineer George's theft of the 2000 presidential election. We recall her arrogance, her icy demeanor and her ruthless determination to see the outcome she preferred.

She was awarded, for her loyalty, a safe seat in Congress from Florida. But, as ever, she wanted more. She wants a seat in the Senate and is in the race. Sort of.

Katherine has been having some problems. Few people want to give her money. Lots of her campaign staff have found good reasons to "start spending more time with their families". Her poll numbers have tanked.

And now ? The flagship magazine of America's Right, Bill Buckley's National Review, has advised Harris to get out of the race and give someone with a realistic chance to beat the incumbent Democrat the opportunity to do so.

Katherine has responded with her signature arrogance and invited Buckley down to Florida to see how "real voters feel about Katherine Harris". Voters other than those giving her the 60% disapproval ratings, it must be supposed.

The twofer ? The chance to see the Republicans blow an opportunity to gain a Senate seat and the heartwarming humiliation and defeat of someone who has poisoned American politics.
Now, perhaps, you will join me in praying for the ability to forgive her and also

Stay Naked


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