Judas Gets a Break
Well, 1700 years is a long time between drinks, but poor old Judas Iscariot, Christian whipping boy for centuries, at last sees a little sunshine.
A manuscript, The Gospel of Judas, dating to about 300 A.D. has surfaced which, if believed, would show that Judas was only following Jesus' directions when he betrayed Him to the Romans. What's more, in this book Judas turns from the goat to the Super Sheep, the only Apostle holding the ultimate secret knowledge given to him by Jesus Himself.
Oops. There's the rub. "Secret knowledge". Sounds like our old friends the Gnostics and, by golly, it is. Unfortunately, the Gnostics, best known through the Nag Hamadi papers discovered in 1948, have long since been discredited as factual competitors to the traditional four Gospels.
Let me try an analogy. Imagine that in 2006 a single, partially illegible document of unknown authorship written in Spanish was found in a library in Mexico. This document is entitled The Testimony of Benedict Arnold and experts say it is probably a copy of an earlier English language document.
The Testimony indicates that Arnold was directed by George Washington to betray American secrets to the British and, further, was Washington's closest friend and the sole holder of Washington's true vision for the future United States.
How much history would you be willing to rewrite on the basis of a single anonymous, questionable document weighed against the rest of the historical record ?
Stay skeptical and
Stay Naked
Nice to read you here again. Hope that you are feeling better. Great perspective on this story, read about it this morning, but your post gives it a slightly different spin... I've unexpectedly become quite a fan of your posts.
I tell you, that damn Judas is behind all this new-fangled "Judas ain't so bad" talk. It makes me sick seeing the main stream media schilling for Judas which is nothing more than cheap pandering to Satan.
The Catholic church has been hiding a lost scripture in their secret vault that talked about Judas and Jesus having a homosexual relationship.
Mitch Haase
Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for your note. I am feeling much, much better with better yet clearly in sight.
Unexpected or not, I am flattered by your interest and approval.
Special to you, an imaginary detail I left out of the post. In 1920, a credible historian reported having reviewed the original document and declared it a hoax. Except that the time frames are necessarily compressed by my chosen example, that squares up the outlines of mine with the Judas Gospel. Thanks, but I'll stick with the Fab Four.
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