Thursday, April 06, 2006

Meet Your Uncle...

His name is 'Tiktaalik roseae' and he's another piece of the evolutionary puzzle. NNNNNNnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooo scream those awaiting the rapture. Rest assured born-agains, I pray ferverntly for the rapture as you do...ahhh yes, the image of 144,000 christians going airborne filled my heart with desire:)
Where was I? Oh yes...Nature Magazine is publishing an article on the discovery of Uncle Tik in this months issue but you can check it out on-line HERE. What does it mean? It means we (humanity) are an amazing part of the miracle of life...descended from the oceans we flock to on weekends like love-lorn children running home:)
Man I'm in a weird mood. The story just means that everything we know about evolution is even more likely to be right as evidence piles up and up...

"Farish Jenkins, an evolutionary biologist at Harvard University said: "This represents a critical early phase in the evolution of all limbed animals, including humans - albeit a very ancient step." Tiktaalik also gives biologists a new understanding of how fins turned into limbs. Its fin contains bones that compare to the upper arm, forearm and primitive parts of the hand of land-living animals.

"Most of the major joints of the fin are functional in this fish," Professor Shubin said.

"The shoulder, elbow and even parts of the wrist are already there and working in ways similar to the earliest land-living animals."

I think I'll have some Salmon for dinner this evening...
In Republicans eating Republicans news, SecDef Rumsfeld responded to SecState Rices assertion that we've made "thousands of tactical errors" in the war on terror:

"I don't know what she was talking about, to be perfectly honest."

Oh really? Hm...could you elaborate on that please.

"Why? Because the enemy's got a brain; the enemy watches what you do and then adjusts to that, so you have to constantly adjust and change your tactics, your techniques and your procedures," Rumsfeld told interviewer Scott Hennen, according to a Defense Department transcript. "If someone says, well, that's a tactical mistake, then I guess it's a lack of understanding, at least my understanding, of what warfare is about."

So the SecDef doesn't think the SecState understands what warfare is about?

So sad, here's a pic of Rummy and Rice in happier times...

Stay tuned and...

Stay Naked.



Blogger Katja R. said...

Hi Visiting from 'My Ghosts!' how are you guys, that fish looked a little over-done to me. Glad I ate my salmon dinner BEFORE looking at that fish of yours!
Feel free to visit us zeks at the Yakima Gulag Literary Gazett anytime!

6:19 PM  

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