Monday, April 10, 2006

The Redcoats are Coming ! Dive ! Dive !

Alright, so its a mixed metaphor. If there was sound on this blog it would have opened with a submarine dive klaxon, the most alarming sound the Navy could produce after years of research. It is a time for alarm, to be startled from our normal state, even if that is one of alert interest in public affairs. Alert interest won't be enough.

What am I talking about ? What everybody is talking about. No claim to exclusivity today. Seymour Martin Hersh, writing in a New Yorker magazine that won't be published until the 17th, describes the state of Bush Administration preparation for a military attack on Iran, The Iran Plans.

Please, please, please read this piece. The highlights ?

  • Bush believes that "saving Iran is going to be his legacy".
  • Israel will attack if we don't, so we have to because the consequences of an Israeli attack on a Muslim country would be too serious.
  • As many a four hundred targets will be bombed in Iran.
  • A former IAEA official thinks American diplomacy no longer allows for a positive outcome.
  • A former senior intelligence official says "We now have the green light for everything we want."
I know that this story is everywhere and that the White House has not denied it and the talking heads are yapping and the spin meisters are stepping up the rpm, but we can't afford to have this disappear into the fog.

There must be a diplomatic solution to this problem of Iranian nukes and we have to insist it be found. We cannot sleepwalk into a second unilateral attack on a Muslim nation and wake up later looking for absolution. Its the old "fool me once" rule. How do we explain to anybody that we allowed the neocons to stampede us into another war ?

So, get busy and

Stay Naked


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