Friday, March 17, 2006

... That base is in their possession against the will of our people ...

I've got a solution to the Cuba/ Guatanamo Bay problems. On the one hand we have Castro and Cuba and our increasingly difficult to defend sanctions. On the other we have the International Embarrassment that is the detention of Prisoners of War (What war? The increasingly difficult to defend 'War on Terror') at Guatanamo Bay...

So here's the solution. Lift the sanctions which, in this humble writers opinion, are about the only thing keeping Castro in power...and two, give Gitmo back to the Cubans (Imagine for just a second if the Cubans had a military base in Galveston Bay, TX...pretty funny when you think about it...
Why am I thinking this?...(Hold on a sec, I just sneezed so hard I'm hallucinating...seeing little stars and feeling lightheaded...)Okay, I'm back:)
Anyway, I just read a great piece from 'Digital Gramma International' It's translated HERE by Watching it the Cubans make a very basic case for returning the land to Cuban control...

Ok, Glad we solved that problem. What's next? :)

Stay Naked.


Maybe there is a God above
But all I've ever learned from love
Was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you


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