When the going get weird...

The weird shred (apologies to HST). God Bless the Rock River Times in Rockford Ill. They appear to be the only media outlet (other then some blogs) reporting that Florida Guv. Jeb Bush (R) has ordered the shredding of 'documents and public records' a violation of Florida Law. Why would he do such a thing?
Well, according to the Times;), "A source in the FBI confirmed that public records are being destroyed on orders of Jeb Bush. The source said the governor may have taken that action in response to the continuing criminal probe of Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff and the federal investigation of the 2001 gangland murder in Miami of Gus Boulis, owner of the Sun Cruz casino boat."
Yikes Dikes...!
Disgraced DC Lobbyist Jack Abramoff appears to be irritating more Bush than thong underwear...
In an homage to our dearly departed buddy Hunter S. we wanted to make sure you got a chance to check out this story outta the WaPo on the White Houses efforts to silence their critics.
"The Bush administration, seeking to limit leaks of classified information, has launched initiatives targeting journalists and their possible government sources. The efforts include several FBI probes, a polygraph investigation inside the CIA and a warning from the Justice Department that reporters could be prosecuted under espionage laws.
In recent weeks, dozens of employees at the CIA, the National Security Agency and other intelligence agencies have been interviewed by agents from the FBI's Washington field office, who are investigating possible leaks that led to reports about secret CIA prisons and the NSA's warrantless domestic surveillance program, according to law enforcement and intelligence officials familiar with the two cases.
Numerous employees at the CIA, FBI, Justice Department and other agencies also have received letters from Justice prohibiting them from discussing even unclassified issues related to the NSA program, according to sources familiar with the notices"
So we are ostensibly fighting a 'War on Terror' but we can afford to task members of the FBI, NSA, CIA, Justice Department, White House and God knows how many other fedearal agencies with telling us things like...oh...The wiretapping scandal, torture memos, secret detention facilites...they are running a parallel program to vastly increase what is considered too sensitive...too sensitive for who? You and me. That's who.
Should you be concerned? Yes.
Why? Because this is how facism is born from democracy. The government strips away your protections one by one until they are gone.
Well that could never happen here, you say. This is America.
True but remember that America is a historic fluke. History is dominated almost exclusively by facists, despots, monarches,totalitarians states, theocracies and every other repressive structure you can imagine...
Thank God for the Second Amendment. When they come for the gun owners you know it's the final act...
Stay Armed and...
Stay Naked:)
Quick quiz: Freedom Fighter or Terrorist?

I liked your saying of, "America is a fluke".
I agree with you one hundred percent but, something I like to point out is; these things have been going on ever since the establishment of "America". The thing is they have never been reported about because of the "times", so to speak.
By the word "times", I mean history. More and more people are finding themselves disgusted with a government they dispise and can't trust. The government has never had to deal with such things before on such a grand scale. so now you have investigations and memo's trying to halt "it".
The thing is you can never halt it. Because you can never silence the people no matter how hard they try or how much progress they think they are making in their efforts.
In the end, the people will always prevail - even it takes centuries!
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