Medical Emergency Will Robinson...

Hey Zooheads...Pops is down for the count with a 'kidney infection' so send him your thoughts and your prayers (he is a born-again so all of you Christians better be using your pull to get in a good word to the Lord. I know it's Spring Break and all but hopefully J.C. can spare some time for one of his flock)
Check out this amazing piece by Professor Michael's a great 'everything you wanted to know about Iraq'. It'll take a couple minutes but well worth it...highlights:

"The Kurdish viewpoint was stated bluntly to Knight Ridder reporter Tom Lasseter by Kurdistan Democratic Party leader Hamid Afandi: "Kirkuk is Kurdistan; it does not belong to the Arabs... If we can resolve this by talking, fine, but if not, then we will resolve it by fighting."
Lasseter, one of most informed reporters in Iraq, summarized the military situation this way:
"Kurdish leaders have inserted more than 10,000 of their militia members into Iraqi army divisions in northern Iraq to lay the groundwork to swarm south, seize the oil-rich city of Kirkuk and possibly half of Mosul, Iraq's third-largest city, and secure the borders of an independent Kurdistan."
"Based on U.S. military statistics, Glanz offered strong evidence against the administration portrait of a weakening (or at least stalemated) resistance movement. Guerrilla attacks had, in fact, "steadily grown in the nearly three years since the invasion." Even during a "lull" in December 2005, the 2,500 violent confrontations - over 80 per day - were "almost 250 percent [higher than] the number in March 2004," which, in turn was twice the level of August 2003."

Going global: Ben Griffin, a highly regarded SAS soldier (that's Special Air Service boys n's the British Green Berets) quit the British Army over what he describes as 'illegal' American tactics. Yikes.
"He said he had witnessed "dozens of illegal acts" by US troops, claiming they viewed all Iraqis as "untermenschen" - the Nazi term for races regarded as sub-human."
"I did not join the British Army to conduct American foreign policy"
Fair enough my man...
Stay Naked.
Sorry, but this comment is not relevant to your post. How did you quit drinking? Did you go the AA way or another?
I tend to agree with this SAS "operator". Given, though, I haven't been to Iraq yet.
It's always the same no matter where I go. The local nationals are always treated like that. I don't know why, don't understand it and to be frank, I think it sucks!
Thanks for your comments the other day!
I'm not ignoring you or anyone for that matter. I've just been taking it easy since I embaressed myself with my drunken "whine" the other day.
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