Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I HEART Vermont...

The town of Newfane, VT, in a vote of 131-39, voted to call on Vermont's only member of the House of Representives, Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) to file articles of Impeachment against President George Bush. Is hope alive? :)


Zoo lawyers. Help me out here. Scooter Libby, Dick Cheneys former Chief of Staff and indicted treason-hound, is demanding a YEARS WORTH of CIA briefings to bolster his claim that he was busy with pressing National Security matters and therefore could not tell the truth...er...remember the truth...I mean, get his story straight...whatever. Is this, as the 'liberal-blogosphere-msm-commie-cabal' a ruse to try and force a mistrial? or a legit request?

I mean, why the hell does he need a note from Mommy saying he was busy? I concede he was busy but is that a real defense?


Say it ain't so Barry...SI.com has a devastating article that is based on a book about Barry Bonds by two San Francisco Chronilce writers titled, "Game of Shadows"...

Stay drug free and...

Stay Naked.


Hey Zooheads, this is from one of our fans...

Go to "Google"
Type in 'asshole'
Hit 'I'm Feeling Lucky'



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