Monday, March 06, 2006

Meet Rep. John Boehner, R-Israel

Just happened to be watching C-Span yesterday morning and what should I find but the annual meeting of AIPAC, the America Israel Public Affairs Committee, the mother (and father) of all pro-Israel lobbies in the U.S. Not to mention, of course, its role in espionage activities aimed at U.S. targets.

Up to the microphone steps Rep. John Boehner, R. Ohio, successor to Tom DeLay as Majority Leader in the House of Representatives. After a few preliminary remarks (a very few, as the upcoming quote appears 3 minutes and 12 seconds into the video available at C-Span HERE) , Boehner offers his complete allegiance to a foreign power, i.e., Israel.

How else might we understand his pledge that any legislation "in any way perceived as anti-Israel will not be considered" while he is in power ?

Look at his language. Any legislation "in any way perceived to be anti-Israel. Could that be any broader ? Could some language be found that might pander more to Israel's sensibilities ?

And this suspect legislation won't be discussed, won't be reviewed, won't be studied, won't be "considered". Could there be a plainer abandonment of Rep. Boehner's sworn obligation to uphold and defend our Constitution ?

The only reference for this capitulation Google could find was in the Israeli press.

The "halo effect" observed above is obviously best seen from Tel Aviv.

Stay angry and

Stay Naked.


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