Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Alright, I really thought I had experienced the Abu Gharib scandal in enough depth to understand how wrong we were and how devastating this would be to the image of the US abroad and would continue to be in the hearts and minds of the rest of the world.

But then put together THIS fairly definitive piece. While it is disturbing, I do encourage you to check out the pictures and videos. Set aside your perfectly normal revulsion and think...just for a second...if you were looking at Americans rather then faceless Iraqis...does your revulsion turn to rage? Imagine your brother, father or son in those pictures. I don't mean this to be a pointless exercise. I really do mean for you to picture your brother being zip-tied to a rail while an smiling Iraqi soldier allows a german shepard to bite him...while a smiling, thumbs-up showing Iraqi soldier calmly uses what can only be described as a big hole punch to poke holes in his legs and buttocks...

I have a hard time imagining any of you forgiving these crimes...ever.

In a bright note. The United Nations approved a new Human Rights Council. The vote wasn't even close. did we, the United States, vote? We were against it because we didn't think countries like Cuba, Myanmar and Zimbabwe should be allowed membership. Why? They are 'rights abusers'...

Stay Naked.



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