Saturday, March 04, 2006

NZNR 3-4-06

Welcome Zooheads...great show today heard on KWMR. In case you missed it, here's the highlights.

We gave a nod to the inaugural Tour of California. Floyd Landis won the 8 day event and we hope it's the 1st of many great tours...GO CYCLING! we rapped a little about sports...some March Madness, some NFL labor troubles but we're mostly all about here we go...

What the hell was Bush thinking signing his nuclear 'pact' with India? I was assured he didn't drink anymore? Wapo has a nice wrap-up HERE titled 'Did Bush Blink?'. It lays out nicely how Bushes 'concessions' amount to total capitulation. HERE's the Pakistani take from The Frontier Post...

Great piece from Z Magazine on the suppression of a Lancet published report HERE concerning Iraqi civilian casualites. Think for a do you think most Iraqis are dying? Roadside bombs? Car bombs? Insurgents?...or US airpower? The study finds that 79% of Iraqi civilian casualites are "caused by “coalition” forces using “helicopter gunships, rockets or other forms of aerial weaponry,” and that almost half (48 percent) of these were children, with a median age of 8. " Makes you proud to be an American...or not.


Tony Blair went to war because God told him to...I can't make that up.

Bill O'Reilly threatens listeners...

Please oh please...

Stay Naked.


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