Monday, January 09, 2006

Hearts and Minds Update ?

Update ? We just posted that yarn about busting up and desecrating a mosque today ! What's to update ?

Well, its our troops interfacing with Iraqis again, this time breaking into a private house and firing live bullets into the bedroom where "the suspect" was sleeping with his wife and daughter.

Who was the "suspect" ? Award winning Iraqi journalist Ali Fadhil.

What is he writing about ? The misappropriation of tens of millions of Iraqi dollars in U.S. and British control.

Why did the troops raid his home ? They were looking for "an insurgent".

What did they take ? They hooded Fadhil and took him and they took video tapes he had made during his investigation.

And now ? The cut Fadhil loose without charges. They have, so far, kept the tapes.

Hard to know if this goes in the "violate Iraqi rights" file or the "Coalition War on Journalists" file.

The Guardian has it all. Thanks to the MediaChannel for pointing it out.

As for you,

Stay Naked


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