What NOBODY Does on the Web
Once in a while we find a story which misses its own point. Let us illustrate.
The Pew Internet and American Life Project recently reported the results of a poll reflecting differences between men's and women's internet use .
Men, it appears, are "fact gatherers", checking news, sports, politics and finance. Women are more likely to be emailing or seeking help on religious, personal or health questions. The survey goes on this vein, showing women "improving relationships" with email while men are more likely to participate in "fan clubs".
What goes completely unmentioned in the poll, what apparently nobody does on the net is: look at porn !
That's right ! Despite the fact that statistics show that porn is a $12 billion industry in this country and that $2.5 billion of that is internet related, nobody reports it in the Pew survey.
Nevermind that 25% of all search engine requests, 8% of all emails and 12% of all websites are porn related. Nobody reports having anything to do with it.
Did the interviewers laugh, giggle or even smirk when nobody checked the "porn" box ?
Would you have checked the porn box ?
Read all the polls you want, but don't forget your grain of salt and
Stay Naked.
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