Coming soon to an arena near you...the 'ZAPATISTAS!'
Former Subcomandante Marcos, leader of the Mexican revolutionary group 'The Zapatistas', embarked on a six-month nationwide tour to attempt to reshape Mexicos politics. Marcos has abandoned his military title in favor of the civilian moniker "Delegate Zero." I can't make this up. We start with the expected:
"In speeches Sunday, Marcos railed against the Mexican government and free trade.
The enemy "has many faces but one name: capitalism," Marcos said.
He said the rest of the Zapatistas' tour would consist not of big marches, but of meetings with ordinary people. "We will listen to people in the places where they work, in the places where they are exploited, where they suffer racism," he said."
Okay. Fair enough but get this...Mexicos President, Vincente Fox...ENDORSED the trip! " President Vicente Fox's office said the Zapatista tour would strengthen the country's democracy."
What a weird world.
Ominous News of the Day: "The U.S. never intended to completely rebuild Iraq," Brig. Gen. William McCoy. That quote is from a Wapo article titled, "U.S. Has End in Sight on Iraq Rebuilding". According to the article, 18.4 Billion dollars has been allocated for Iraqi reconstruction. Most of it has gone to fight the insurgency, try Saddam and set up a criminal justice system. There's about 20% left. After that? Well it's up to the 'international community' and Iraq itself...tick tick tick goes the time bomb...How do you spell 'Pissed off Iraqis'...
Stay Naked.
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