And I think to myself...
What a wonderful world.
Remember Texas Gov. Rick Perry? Google 'Rick Perry + Karl Rove' for fun. Rick Perry was a Democrat who became a Republican and defeated popular ass-kicker Jim Hightower for Agriculture Secretary. Actually, follow that up with 'Karl Rove + Greg Rampton' and grab some coffee. You'll come across Jim Moores book 'Bushs Brain' which was made into a killer doc.
Anyway, current Tx. Gov. Rick Perry is facing a serious challenge this year from Texas Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn (who is running as an Independent). This is according to a story linked to HERE on Raw Story.
Why is this news? Well, Mrs. Strayhorn is leaving the GOP to run as an independent because she thinks Rick Perry is "a weak leadin', ethics ignorin', pointin' the finger at everyone blamin', special session callin', public school slashin', slush fund spendin', toll road buildin', special interest panderin', rainy day fund raidin', fee increasin', no property tax cuttin', promise breakin', do nothin' phony conservative."
She is also White House Press Secretary Scott McClellans MOTHER!!!! Oh this is sweet. Bush hand-picked Rick Perry to succeed him as Guv. when he decided to run for his HAND-PICKED successor is facing a challenge from his Press Secretarys MOM??? Who writes this stuff?
Strayhorn in 06'
I wonder if she called Scotty Boy to let him know? Imagine the ribbing he's getting from our notoriously mean-spirited President?
Stay Naked.
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