Saturday, December 31, 2005

Okay, maybe a prayer...

That Americas Own Tom Delay will go to Jail. Check out this great Wapo article on the Delay/Abramoff money just keeps getting worse.

Stay Naked. Especially tonight;)

Happy New Year.

Friday, December 30, 2005

The Naked Zoo Boldly Predicts . . .

Nothing. We're not predicting the sun is going to come up. We're not going to predict George Bush will mangle the language or that Tom DeLay will profess his innocence.

We're not predicting attacks on Iran, failures in Iraq or unrest in Afghanistan. Not major hurricanes, rising sea temperatures or species extinctions.

Election frauds, corporate malfeasances or celebrity addictions, arrests, couplings and un. Couplings, that is. ? Fuhgeddaboutit !

Why ?

The field is already too crowded. You want political predictions, go HERE. End of the world calendars ? HERE. Celebrities ? Of course.

Type "Predictions 2006" into Google and you get 9,510,000 hits. No thanks. Stampedes are not our favorite mode of travel.

Stuff will happen in 2006. We'll be there for you.

Stay Naked.

Iran HO!

Next to last blog of the year Zooheads...this one from Der Spiegel, our fave german paper. It's a wonderful synopsis on the state of pre-bomb-Iran speculation. Find the english version HERE and der german version HERE. Love the german version;)

Here's a great piece
in 'The New Anatolian' a Turkish paper about Iran growing influence and it's consequences for Turkish/US/Sunni cooperation.

And finally, some required reading on the US media from an Arab viewpoint. You could title this well-written piece, "Who the F*** are you to tell us Sh**?"

A taste...

"When riots erupted in Los Angels after the acquittal of four white policemen accused of brutally beating black motorist Rodney King in 1991, the media professionally covered the events. They didn’t campaign for black rights or advocate a review of a long history of abuse and enslavement."

Stay Naked.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

What the....? Good news?

Heck yes, apparently the Tsunami, which claimed over 120,000 lives in Aceh alone, forced both sides of the 26 year old war to set aside their differences and forge a peace. Indonesia withdrew it's troops from Aceh and the rebels/insurgents/freedom fighters etc. laid down their arms. More than 15,000 people have reportedly been killed in the uprising and now...hopefully, it's over...

Name Robert Tuttle ring any bells?

He's the US Ambassador to the United Kingdom and has shown a Bushian penchant for putting his foot in his mouth. Remember the US denials revolving around the use of white phosphorus? He's the guy:) Well, he's at it again...he denied that the US sent any 'extraordinary rendition' subjects to Syria...whom we allegedly hate. This seems like a no-brainer right? There's no way we're sending people to Syria...

well we are ...apparently we did send Maher Arar, a canadian of Syrian descent, to Jordan...who sent him to Syria...Can we please send someone wearing a dark suit and stupid smile to Syria? Someone whose name rhymes with Shuttle?

Sidenote: What are Tuttles qualifications for Ambassadorship? He once ran a pygmy racehorse, seriously...he's a freaking car dealer from LA...

Stay Naked.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Oil, Schmoil.

It has recently been raining cats and dogs in Northern California. Flooded roads. Mudslides. The works.

Hard to keep in mind what a precious and limited commodity fresh water actually is on this planet. Unless you are in one of the places where the water wars have already begun. The book has already been written, opening with a 1995 quote from a World Bank V.P. predicting "the wars of the [21st] century will be over water".

The trends are being studied, incidents mapped, regions of potential conflict identified, treatises written, doctorates obtained and data compiled. All this work will provide a bloodless outline for what is almost certain to be one of the bloodiest chapters in human history.

In some places, like India, privatization of formerly public water resources may be the spark.

In others, like Israel and Palestine, the conflict over dwindling water resources for burgeoning populations merely provides another compelling goad to antagonisms fuelled by decades of violence and religious hatreds.

Oil ? I can burn bio-diesel or frying oil in my car.

Water ? Without fresh water you are dead within 4 to 15 days, depending on your state of health.

You're in the city, as most people are. Water supplies collapse. The authorities organize trucked in water but it is closely rationed and sporadic. Your children are thirsty all the time. Out in the country the farmers have wells. And guns. The street corner orator is talking crazy about the injustice of these few having so much water and so many so little.

Coming soon to a planet near you.

Stay Naked.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Twenty Seven Months

You all recall the Hon. Mohammend ElBaradei, Director of the much respected International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and co-recipient, with the IAEA, of the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize. Oh, how we loved him as he stood against the madness and vilification of the Bush Administration in the run-up to Iraq.

Well, now Mr. ElBaradei and the IAEA say that Iran will be nuclear weapons capable in twenty seven months, according to The Independent.

It will be March of 2008, the fifth anniversary of the wildly successful invasion of Iraq. George W. Bush, absent a successful impeachment trial over wiretapping (or something) will still be President. The State Department will be continuing its long-standing campaign to brand Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism, getting little help from anyone other than Tony Blair.

Iran will, presumably, still be in the grip of the hardest of Islamic hardliners who is unable to contain his hatred for Israel, even while very sensitive talks about Iran's nuclear program are pending.

Will George Bush, who, you will recall, is widely reported to believe his Adminstration's rhetoric, allow "the world's worst weapons" to be acquired by a state that hates us, hates Israel and "sponsors terror" ? He already went to war on these issues based on evidence so thin as to be illusory. This time ElBaradei is on his side.

Keep in mind that we (that's the United States for our foreign readers) have already announced our willingness to use a preemptive nuclear strike to protect ourselves from terror attack.

So, what'll it be ? A repeat of Israel's 1981 Osirak attack on Saddam's nuclear reactor (already being promoted by Israeli hawks) ? A duplicate, but executed by U.S. forces ? An oxymoronic surgical nuclear strike ?

Don'f forget we will also still be struggling to protect the fledgling Iraqi democracy against Iranian overreaching.

March 2008. Get your tickets now.

Stay Naked.

Monday, December 26, 2005

How Old is a Tree and Who Cares ?

The answer to the first question, in the case of Amazon rain forest trees, is : "It's hard to tell."

The answer to the second question is : "You". Why and why ?

The answer to the first question is : "Because they don't have growth rings like northern trees." So, assumptions were made about the rate of growth in the lush tropics. When radiocarbon dating techniques were applied, the trees were discovered to be older than assumed. Much older.

Which brings us to the second "why". The fact the trees are older than we thought means they grow slower means they absorb atmospheric carbon more slowly than current computer models assume means global warming is a bigger problem than science thought before they figured this out.

But, you knew that.

Thank you, National Academy of Sciences.

Stay Naked.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Have a Naked Christmas

Saturday, December 24, 2005

So Bob...what's the address of the next Mosque?

According to a story out this week in US News and World Report and linked to HERE from our buddies at Reuters, the US goverment has been secrectly monitoring sites in the US for suspicious levels of radiation. Most, if not all, of these sites were 'Muslim' in nature as in private homes and mosques...I'm all for my government protecting me but here again the surveillance and searches were done WITHOUT warrants or court orders....*sigh*

Do you ever get the feeling that 'the enemy' has already won?

Friday, December 23, 2005

A McDeal for Tomato Workers ?

Fresh from their victory forcing Taco Bell to increase the amount paid to tomato harvesters by $.01 (that's one penny) per pound, immigrant workers in Florida have turned their attention to fast food giant McDonald's.

The group is seeking a "fair increase" in the amount McDonald's pays its tomato pickers from its McMulti-McBillion dollar profits, but it looks like the Taco Bell deal is too rich for Ronald.

McDonald's prefers, instead, to simply sign a pledge saying they'll obey all laws and regulations. Relax for a moment and imagine how much protection immigrant agricultural workers enjoy under the laws and regulations in Jeb Bush's Florida.

Stand by for a boycott of the Arches and a switch to . . . Taco Bell.

Stay Naked.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

And in Other Labor News . . .

The transit strike in the Big Apple is sucking up all the oxygen around reporting on labor issues these days, but this little gem was overlooked even before that strike started. In an era of waning union power and with an Administration at least indifferent, and arguably hostile, to labor interests, this story might be greeted with some surprise.

Well, "First in Southern California" may be just hype and hyperbole, but this probably is the first time a SoCal grocery chain has suffered a 53 count indictment for crimes related to a labor action. The crimes alleged here were allegedly committed as Ralph's allegedly tried to break the four-and-a-half month grocery workers strike in 2003-04 it is alleged.

Ralph's, says the 106 page charge, with the "tacit approval, if not encouragement" of senior management, created false identities, including false Social Security numbers, to rehire locked-out workers during the strike. Senior management denies everything and blames, you guessed it, a few rogue managers defying company policy.

We'll keep you posted.

Stay Naked

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The Honor is . . . Dubious

Everybody likes to be recognized by his or her colleagues. Everybody likes to receive public awards from members of their own profession, recognizing the contributions they've made during the year.

Well, maybe not everybody and maybe not every award. Take Norman Soloman's P.U. Litzer Awards, for instance. Does anybody really want to be recognized for the "stinkiest media performance of the year" ? Or even one of the stinkiest ?

What qualifies you ? How about referring to the lethal injection that took the life of Stanley "Tookie" Williams as a "medical procedure" ? Twice.

Or just being Judy Miller explaining the truckloads of water she hauled for the Bush Administration in the runup to Iraq.

See Truthout for the whole shameful, and sadly hilarious, list.

Stay Naked.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Vietnamization = Iraqization

Al-Jazzera is reporting a dramatic increase in the number of aerial assaults by US (coalition) forces in recent months.

The number of US air raids increased particularly in the weeks leading up to last Thursday's election, from a monthly average of about 35 last summer to more than 60 in September and 120 or more in October and November."

So what's going on? An increasingly desperate US military, short on necessary ground troops, is trying to utilize their airpower to overcome their inadequecies on the ground.

What does this mean? More civilian casualties, more anger at the appearance of indiscriminate US firepower and on and on...

Murtha 08!

Stay Naked.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Tangents and Censorship...

We'll start with censorship...

The TOP TEN ADS YOU WON'T SEE IN THE USA...our friends at have their annual list out...and boy is it sexy...check it out HERE. Fortune 500 companies like Mazda, KFC and Gillette make the list...what's the verdict or indictment? Americans, the planets #1 consumer of porn, alcohol, drugs and any other damn vice you can too prurient for racy ads...we're also the home of furries...enough said.

and from the land of tangents...a great little piece of flash animation from, of all places, the ACLU

Check it out and as always...

Stay Naked,

Sunday, December 18, 2005

What Money Can't Buy

Well, there's "love" according to the Beatles, but we were thinking more about just a little loyalty, a little respect from people on whom we have spent a pretty penny.

O.K., the graphic tipped you off. We're talking about Egypt, our staunch friend in the Middle East. $50 billion we have lavished on them since they made peace with Israel. More than $1 billion a year, on average.

So, we want to do a little regime change in the neighborhood, get rid of a bad guy, clean up the place, plant democracy and what do we get ?

We get Al-Ahram, Egypt's largest newspaper and one regarded as the virtual voice of the government, giving us a quick one where it hurts. "Predictable defeat", "imperial diktats", "plundering [Iraq's] natural resources" and on and on and on. If you can stand to see President Bush's policies disrepected in print, read it here.

Now the choice is: do we up the ante by throwing in Lake Tahoe or do we bomb Al-Ahram ?

Stay Naked

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Interlibrary loan...or Al Queda plot?

You be the judge.

Highly suspicious UMASS Senior requests Mao Tse-Tungs 'Little Red Book' on an interlibrary loan so he can complete a term paper. What happens next?

Two agents from the Office of Homeland Security visit him at his parents New Bedford, CT home. STORY HERE.

Thanks to the vigilant peering eye of the federal government, a malicious term paper plot was thwarted. President Bush praised the agents in a Rose Garden ceremony:

"These kinda agents are the reason we're safer yesterday going into tomorrow and making terrorists threaten free people everywhere"

A baffled press corps needed Tylenol with coedine to continue.

Stay Naked and for gods sake...don't go to libraries.

Friday, December 16, 2005

While We Were Sleeping

Oh sure, we nailed them Afghani Talibans and it didn't take long to whip Saddam's army (although the rest of the country is proving troublesome), we're talking tough to Kim Jong Il and letting the Iranians know where they stand.

But wait. What's that flag with the gold stars in a crescent around the large gold star ?

Oh, that would be the People's Republic of China, still the world's most populous country, that has just stopped receiving U.N. food aid for the first time in 26 years; is becoming a real competitor for the world's dwindling energy resources; and is growing its military at a brisk pace. Not long ago they managed to design, build and deploy a new type of submarine so quiet as to be nearly undetectable and therefore a threat to U.S. naval forces operating in Chinese waters. Like defending Taiwan. Did I mention this was a complete surprise to U.S. Intelligence, a phrase quickly becoming an oxymoron ?

So, never mind the small fry. Let's focus on the numerous, well-fed, well armed, forward-thinking and ambitious Chinese. Or maybe just studying the language will do.

Stay Naked.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Vote Trouble in Florida, AGAIN ?

Remember the rumors about vote tampering with the computerized voting in Ohio ? Well, that plot just thickened in . . . you'll never guess . . . Florida !

Yes, the BlackBoxVoting folks, who have been pursuing this thing like Javert, just perfomed a wildly successful hack on Diebold machines that were sold to counties all over the country as "hack proof".

Actually, it appears that it was as taking sugary treats from an infant. BlackBox's expert hacker turned a "2 yes, 6 No" test vote into a "7 yes, 1 No" vote just by manipulating the "memory card" that was itself supposed to be unhackable. Then the "mother ship" central processing failed to detect the hack.

The chips are beginning to fall. Diebold's chairman has resigned (he who promised to deliver Ohio for Bush).

Florida's Leon County (site of the hacking demo) has dumped the Diebold machines and is seeking funds to replace them.

Vote early, vote often, vote on paper.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Smile for the surveillance :)

Next time you're meeting with some friends to discuss some LAWFUL protest, keep in mind that the US Military may be watching. MSNBC has an on-line article HERE about the syping. The article is inappropriately titled "Is the Pentagon spying on Americans?" when it's very clear that the entire article is point after point proving the answer an emphatic YES. Some choice points:

"Two years ago, the Defense Department directed a little known agency, Counterintelligence Field Activity, or CIFA, to establish and “maintain a domestic law enforcement database that includes information related to potential terrorist threats directed against the Department of Defense.” Then-Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz also established a new reporting mechanism known as a TALON or Threat and Local Observation Notice report. TALONs now provide “non-validated domestic threat information” from military units throughout the United States that are collected and retained in a CIFA database. The reports include details on potential surveillance of military bases, stolen vehicles, bomb threats and planned anti-war protests. In the program’s first year, the agency received more than 5,000 TALON reports. The database obtained by NBC News is generated by Counterintelligence Field Activity."

"One of the CIFA-funded database projects being developed by Northrop Grumman and dubbed “Person Search,” is designed “to provide comprehensive information about people of interest.” It will include the ability to search government as well as commercial databases. Another project, “The Insider Threat Initiative,” intends to “develop systems able to detect, mitigate and investigate insider threats,” as well as the ability to “identify and document normal and abnormal activities and ‘behaviors,’” according to the Computer Sciences Corp. contract. A separate CIFA contract with a small Virginia-based defense contractor seeks to develop methods “to track and monitor activities of suspect individuals.”"

I want to be a 'person of interest' :) Where do I sign up?

Stay Naked.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Remember Darfur ?

Good, because almost nobody else does.
There are no links in this article because even Google can't find a current report on the degenerating situation in Darfur.
The New Yorker for November 28 has a good piece, but its not available online.
The janjaweed militia continue their campaign of rape, murder and destruction in alliance with the Sudanese government which continues to brand such allegations "ridiculous".
The peace talks are stalled and/or irrelevant and the African Union peace keeping effort is visibly failing.
The image above is almost the sole picture of a janjaweed fighter, other than the drawings by children recalling the janjaweed attack that cost them their homes and families.
When George Bush read the accounts of the Rwanda genocide he annotated the report by hand: "Not on my watch". Maybe he is planning something dramatic.
How many deaths will it take 'til we know ?

Monday, December 12, 2005

Is this woman aiding and abetting terrorists?

She is if she's a 'radical militant librarian'. I love that phrase...radical militant librarian. That gem comes to us from a FOIA (Freedom if Information Act) request made of the FBI by EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center)...

What emerges from the turned over emails is an FBI that is incensed by the OIPR (Office of Intelligence Policy and Review). That is the federal agency charged with assessing the requests made by a variety of federal agencies under the Patriot Act.

One nice thing about the Times piece linked to above is that it appears there is an actual apparatus in place that is robust in rejecting FBI requests...

Stay Naked.

...and keep going to the library:)

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Goodbye Richard...

Wow...sometimes you read a story and it just catches you...such is how I felt when I heard Richard Pryor had passed away...why? Don't know...just did.

Saturday, December 10, 2005



by Harold Pinter

Where was the dead body found?
Who found the dead body?
Was the dead body dead when found?
How was the dead body found?
Who was the dead body?
Who was the father or daughter or brother
Or uncle or sister or mother or son
Of the dead and abandoned body?
Was the body dead when abandoned?
Was the body abandoned?
By whom had it been abandoned?
Was the dead body naked or dressed for a journey?
What made you declare the dead body dead?
Did you declare the dead body dead?
How well did you know the dead body?
How did you know the dead body was dead?
Did you wash the dead body
Did you close both its eyes
Did you bury the body
Did you leave it abandoned
Did you kiss the dead body

Friday, December 09, 2005

John Tasini for Senate!

Who is this John Tasini and is he really running for Senate against Hilary Clinton? Yes is the answer. Check out his site Tasini for New York. I'm over the Clintons and their mercenary brand of democracy...Hilary can stand with Lieberman on the deck of the Titanic...neither represent me or anything I remotely stand for...So VOTE TASINI 06!

Time to Jack Abramoff Scandal detonation just got shortened as his longtime buddy Adam Kidan just cut a deal with prosecutors...this brings the number of Abramoff aides singing like canaries to two as Michael Scanlon broke a few weeks ago...where is the press on this?

Here's a nice quote from on-line Iraqi news source

"We would like to confirm to our readers that no Pentagon-sponsored material has found its way into the pages of our newspaper. We are proud of this and promise to keep our independence no matter the cost and threats we occasionally receive."

Stay Naked.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Susan your hand on the Bible.

Philipine News on-line is reporting that Susan Ralston, Karl Roves right hand girl and former Jack Abramoff aide, has left the White House. Why? According to the article: "“Too much pressure (on the job).”" I bet. Grab a lawyer as you know it is over. You're about to be 'Clintoned':)

ABRAMOFF UPDATE: Lookee here...looks like we gots ourselves a Senator! Check out this AP article:

"Sen. Conrad Burns and his staff met Jack Abramoff's lobbying team on at least eight occasions and collected $12,000 in donations around the time that the lawmaker took legislative action favorable to Abramoff's clients in the Northern Mariana Islands, records show."

What was Burns response?

"Advocates, paid and unpaid, exercising their right to petition their government provide information on many issues but you always know that they are representing a particular position based upon their client or issue preference,"

TRANSLATION: "Yeah I got paid, we all get paid. Get over it"

Stay Naked.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Why, Pakistan, Why ?

Pakistan has inexplicably decided to delete a panegyric of praise to President Bush from its textbooks for sixteen-year-olds.
The first letters of each line of the poem spell out "President George W. Bush".

The poems itself contains such stirring material as:

"Never back down when he sees what is true,
Tells it all straight, and means it all, too"


"Bracing for war, but praying for peace,
Using his power so evil will cease".

The Zoo thinks this poem should be posted in public places in lieu of the Ten Commandments and can't imagine why Pakistan, who started this good work, has now decided to back down.

The Zoo also recommends that you possess a strong stomach, a good sense of humor and a large bucket before reading the whole thing here.

Monday, December 05, 2005

"Erroneous Rendition"

We've been reading about the CIA's "Renditions" for a couple years now. Here's a quick primer: Rendition = Kidnapping. Whether you agree or not, that's the deal. A 'terror suspect' is picked up off the street by black-clad CIA operatives working extra-judicially...which means with no judicial supervision other than themselves. Here's what happen according to the Washington Post:
Dressed head to toe in black, including masks, they blindfold and cut the clothes off their new captives, then administer an enema and sleeping drugs. They outfit detainees in a diaper and jumpsuit for what can be a day-long trip. Their destinations: either a detention facility operated by cooperative countries in the Middle East and Central Asia, including Afghanistan, or one of the CIA's own covert prisons -- referred to in classified documents as "black sites," which at various times have been operated in eight countries, including several in Eastern Europe.
An enema? Don't ask me.

The point of all of this is to protect us from future terror attacks. The full name for the process is 'Extraordinary Rendition' we have a new term: 'Erroneous Rendition'. What's that you say?

The gentlemen pictured above is Khaled Masri. He was the subject of an 'Extraordinary Rendition'. Turns out he did nothing wrong. Now he is classified as an 'Erroneous Rendition'. Whoops...sorry about that. These things happen. What did he have to say about his 'erroneous rendition':

"I have very bad feelings" about the United States, he said. "I think it's just like in the Arab countries: arresting people, treating them inhumanly and less than that, and with no rights and no laws."

Do you really feel safer? It's the Zoos opinion that we, the United States, have unleashed a tsunami of resentment and anger in our 'War on Terror' that we, and our children, and their children are going to be paying for in blood for decades to come...

Stay Naked.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Disaster Story Sunday...Who knew?

Open your favorite website or newspaper on this frosty East Coast morning and you'll see a cornucopia of disaster stories...all predictably sad...

There's this NY Daily News story on the 21 Billion Dollar debacle that is the Ground Zero/ 9/11 scandal...

Another story on the mess that was the Federal Governments response to Hurricane Katrina (100,000 pages of 'Cover Your Ass' documents detailing the Federal bungling"

and finally, remember the quake in Pakistan that killed tens of thousands...and how the world promised to help? Well there are people, many children, now freezing to death in remote mountain passes as the 'relief effort' still hasn't reached all those affected...blame religious nuts (keep foreign troops out) and the indifference of the west...but don't forget: CHILDREN FREEZING TO DEATH.

Where are you when we need you Bill Hicks?

Stay Naked.

Excuse me Ms. Rice? A few questions please...

As Secretary of State Condeleeza Rice prepares for her 5-Day Eurotour '05 she might do well to pack a thick skin. European nations across the political spectrum are fuming at the unfolding scandal of illegal CIA flights into and over their respective territories. Also of note, clandestine CIA prisons allegedly scatted over EU territory. Some notable facts from Yahoo News Singapore of all places:

- The Danish transport ministry said in September that it had recorded at least 20 illegal overflights by CIA planes since 2001.

- The Hungarian government said last month that two CIA craft had landed at Budapest airport in the past two years.

- Iceland said it was not satisfied with Washington's response to allegations that CIA planes had landed on its territory at least 67 times since 2001.

- Portuguese Foreign Minister Diogo Freitas do Amaral said he would report to parliament on December 13 on reports of illicit CIA flights passing through the country, including three incidents last March.

- Polish Prime Minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz said his government would be looking into reports that US planes had both flown over and landed in his country on secret missions that could be linked to transports of undeclared terrorism suspects.

Denmark, Hungary, Iceland, Portugal and Poland do not exactly make up a list of 'hostile' nations.


Wonderful artile on Truthdig by Juan Cole on how our beloved Bush Administration removed a secular regime and replaced it with a always, Cole is great with context. Also, funny comment at the bottom"

"Unintended, meet consequences"

Unlike Alexander Hamilton, I love "the people"

Stay Naked.

Friday, December 02, 2005

John Bolton Love James Dobson....Awwwww

I love happy endings. I didn't know this (but I should have) but apparently Focus on The Family Lunatic Leader James Dobson and John 'Don't cry for me Judy Miller' Bolton are engaged in a passionate mututally beneficial love affair. I learned about this from HuffPos Max Blumenthal...who apparently knows all about the love that dare not speak it's name. Some choice quotes off his post:

DOBSON: He's [Bolton's] pro-life, pro-family, pro-morality and sees things the way we do regarding condom distribution and abstinence and other things.

JAMES DOBSON: But we had an opportunity to talk to him about the possibilty of Focus on the Family working with the United Nations. That really did excite me.

Ahhh love...makes me want to reach for my constitutionally guaranteed Smith & Wesson...

Check out the latest scoop on the Karl Rove Indictment Drama here.

Once a Clinton, always a Clinton...when will they go away?

Stay Naked.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Gulf Stream is Doing WHAT ?

The Gulf Stream is a gigantic ocean current circulating clockwise around the Atlantic and carrying warm water from the tropics to the northern latitudes.

It accounts for the relatively temperate climates in northern Europe, raising the average temperature as much as ten degrees.

British scientists now believe it is slowing down by as much as thirty percent.

The reason, according to these same scientists ? Global warming, of course. More fresh water added to the oceans and the warming of the oceans were predicted by computer models to slow these enormous currents.

But scientists were not expecting so much slowing. And not so soon.

Bush is still looking for an anti-warming plan that won't disrupt the economy too much. Try an ice age.