Excuse me Ms. Rice? A few questions please...
As Secretary of State Condeleeza Rice prepares for her 5-Day Eurotour '05 she might do well to pack a thick skin. European nations across the political spectrum are fuming at the unfolding scandal of illegal CIA flights into and over their respective territories. Also of note, clandestine CIA prisons allegedly scatted over EU territory. Some notable facts from Yahoo News Singapore of all places:
- The Danish transport ministry said in September that it had recorded at least 20 illegal overflights by CIA planes since 2001.
- The Hungarian government said last month that two CIA craft had landed at Budapest airport in the past two years.
- Iceland said it was not satisfied with Washington's response to allegations that CIA planes had landed on its territory at least 67 times since 2001.
- Portuguese Foreign Minister Diogo Freitas do Amaral said he would report to parliament on December 13 on reports of illicit CIA flights passing through the country, including three incidents last March.
- Polish Prime Minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz said his government would be looking into reports that US planes had both flown over and landed in his country on secret missions that could be linked to transports of undeclared terrorism suspects.
Denmark, Hungary, Iceland, Portugal and Poland do not exactly make up a list of 'hostile' nations.
Wonderful artile on Truthdig by Juan Cole on how our beloved Bush Administration removed a secular regime and replaced it with a theocracy...as always, Cole is great with context. Also, funny comment at the bottom"
"Unintended, meet consequences"
Unlike Alexander Hamilton, I love "the people"
Stay Naked.
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