Now They've Spiked the Koolaid
It is, of course, possible to have differing opinions about the quality of service that has been provided by Donald Rumsfeld in his role as Secretary of Defense. President Bush is a staunch supporter as is VP Dick Cheney. There are others.
Critics, who look at the catastrophe in Iraq, the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, the ongoing scandal of war profiteering among favored defense contractors and the reported overall condition of the Army and Marines as those forces are stretched to meet combat needs while keeping to Rumsfeld's doctine regarding force size, are, well . . . critical.
Folks who go along with Rumsfeld are said to have "drunk the Koolaid", a reference to the followers of Jim Jones who loyally drank the poisoned Koolaid in Guyana and died.
Evidence that the Rumsfeld Punch has now been spiked with something stronger, possibly hallucinogenic, started coming in last week when Cheney told Rush Limbaugh that matters in Iraq were going "remarkably well". Compared to what, he did not say.
From the White House to the Pentagon, the I.R.P. (Improved Rumsfeld Punch), is now being more widely circulated. Looking to get ahead at the Pentagon these days ? Have some punch.
According to AFP, Navy Admiral James Stavridis, who took over Southern Command the other day, said "We're lucky as a nation that he [ that's right, Rumsfeld] continues to serve with such passion and such integrity and such determination and such brilliance." Brilliance ? I wonder if he had the grape or the raspberry.
The man he replaced, General Bantz Craddock, was lyrical about what SouthCom had achieved on his watch. "Today I believe that we can say we were successful in our efforts and contributed to ensuring our nation's security through support on the global war on terror, and encouraged regional cooperation to enhance the security and stability in the region," he said. Regional cooperation ? Is he talking about Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales or is he talking about Colombia where the Army we trained is murdering the police we support ?
Gen. Craddock, for his loyalty, is on his way to become Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe.
We wonder if Rumsfeld has actual hickeys on his backside.
We are taught that if a man gives his soul and gains the whole world, he profits nothing. What if he only gains the Supreme Command of Allied Forces in Europe or Southern Command ?
If Improved Rumsfeld Punch is not yet available for drinking in your area, you can always vote Republican instead.
Stay Naked
Gen. Craddock