News from the Cola Wars Front

Government in India is, of course, different than government here. Of course. Here, you get a little e coli on some spinach and spinach disappears from the market as by magic.
In India, as we reported HERE, the government of Kerala State determined that both Pepsi and Coke contained pesticides at levels 24 times the allowable levels. So they banned the sale of the contaminated beverages.
Courts in India must, of course, be different than courts here. We can tell, because the High Court of Kerala State just ruled that the state didn't have the authority to ban the contaminated beverages. Not that they weren't contaminated, but that the government lacked the power to ban them. Oh, we don't mean that the courts there are different because they ruled in favor of gigantic corporations and against the public interest. Our courts do that all the time.
No, its just that they did it so fast ! Our first story was August 10 and 43 short days later the court has overturned the ban. That is speedy justice, well, a speedy ruling anyway.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports a study of 1,413 women finding that daily cola drinking (not just any old soft drink, but specifically cola) results in weaker bones and higher fracture risk. Seems to have to do with the phosporic acid in the cola that interferes with calcium absorption and increases calcium excretion.
No effect on the 1,125 men in the study, so Pepsi your brains out, boys, and ignore the other pernicious effects of the stuff.
Stay hydrated and Stay Naked.
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