Thursday, October 05, 2006

There Are None So Blind

Secretary of State (and Lt. Governor of the State of Denial) Condoleeza Rice looks at the recent outbreak of violence in Gaza where Hamas and Fatah fighters have been killing each other and innocent civilians and cries out for peace. Of course, when the Israelis kill innocent Palestinians that is just "collateral damage" in their ceaseless war to "defend themselves" which it is, of course, their right to do.

I digress. Let us take Bush Administration compassion where we can find it. Condi says the Palestinians deserve "calm". So she is looking for ways to strengthen one faction (Fatah) against the other (Hamas), the side that happens to be the recently elected side. The whole problem is, you see, an "internal Palestinian problem". There is another view.

In that view, found in Haaretz, Israel has been conducting a multi-year experiment on the Palestinians. An experiment that includes imprisonment (none enter or leave Gaza but by Israeli permission), destruction of livelihoods and infrastructure, theft of hundreds of millions of dollars due the Palestinians in customs dues and taxes, reduction of food, water and electricity supplies and etc. Add a policy of dividing the political factions, plus assassinations and arbitrary military raids. Stir under hot sun. See if violence results. Decry violence.

Secretary Rice may then enter, join in condemning the violence, ask the Israelis to temper a few of these policies, fail in her request and leave, presumably after a ceremonial washing of the hands. Little is asked of Israel, nothing is demanded or required. You'd think they were giving us more than a billion dollars a year.

Never doubt, Oh Best Beloved, that when the final accounting is rendered on peace and suffering in Israel and Palestine, the account due from the United States, from you and me, Oh Best Beloved, will be long and detailed.

Think about the indictment, prepare your defenses and

Stay Naked


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