Tuesday, October 03, 2006


The Communist Chinese have openly attacked key U.S. surveillance satellites with ground based laser weapons while the Administration keeps these facts from the public for political reasons and to preserve China's "cooperation" in diplomatic initiatives against North Korea and Iran.

Those are the facts, folks, according to a recent piece in the U.K. paper the Telegraph. The Pentagon is apparently very concerned with these developments, but was required to limit mention of the problem in its annual review of the Chinese threat to noting that China "could" blind U.S. spy satellites. Omitted was the fact that they have.

This is all confirmed by the magazine Defense News in an article headlined "NRO Confirms Chinese Laser Test Illuminated U.S. Spacecraft". (Subscription required)

Well, of course we are in a space arms race with the up and coming super power. How could it be otherwise ?

For me this is just another in the endless series of "what if this were Clinton" questions. This time, WIIWC covering up Chinese aggression ? You'd see a headline like the one above. FOX News would be going crazy. There'd be investigations in Congress and calls for impeachment. For Bush ? A small story in the Telegraph. In England.

Watch the skies and



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