Thursday, June 08, 2006

Dateline: Invasion Iran!

Who is this angry gentlemen and why is the Zoo posting his picture? Let's set aside the unfortunate pic for a second. The gentlemen is one Ayatollah Hossein Khomeni, grandson of the face of Iranian Revolution Ayatollah Khomeni

who used to be the poster child for the Islamic Menace before Saddam and Osama. Why is his grandson in the news? Well, in what can only be described as a 'if you live long enough you'll see everything' (I purloined the phrase from a Christopher Hitchens article on Khomeni HERE;)...

Young Khomeini is convinced that the coming upheaval will depend principally on those who once supported his grandfather and have now become disillusioned. I asked him what he would like to see happen, and his reply this time was very terse and did not require any Quranic scriptural authority or explication. The best outcome, he thought, would be a very swift and immediate American invasion of Iran.

From the Hicthens piece on

So does he really think George Bush and America are Irans best bet?

"freedom should be promoted in Iran in any way possible, and it is irrelevant whether this freedom comes as the result of domestic or foreign developments. If I were imprisoned, what does it matter? It is in my interests that someone come and break me out of that prison."

You can bet the White House speech writers are not going to miss this one.


Conservative Mouthpiece and self-styled 'moralist' Bill Bennett on 'The Daily Show' discussing gay marriage. Just when you thought you couldn't love John Stewart any more than you did...your perfectly acceptable man-love grows deeper:)

Bennett is a bright guy but game, set match to Stewart...oh when will they ever learn?

Stay Gay and as always,

Stay Naked.



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