Cut Budgets and Gored Oxen
Does this make any sense to anybody anywhere ?
DepHomeSec (formerly the Department of Homeland Security) is suffering a budget cut (which either means we are safe now or itself makes no sense, but that's another story). So, something in the world's largest bureaucracy has to go.
Among the millions of things that DepHomeSec spends its billions of dollars on are grants for things like first responders and emergency communications in communities all over the country. Due to the aforementioned budget cuts DHS will have to cut that part of their spending by about $120 million.
DHS has decided to take $112 million of that nationwide reduction out of the budgets for three cities. Sioux City, IA, Golden, CO and Tonapah, NV ? No. The cuts will fall on . . . wait for it . . . New York, NY, Washington, DC and New Orleans, LA.
No reason to think that these cities are at any greater risk for disasters, man-made or natural, we suppose. We suppose. We suppose we can't figure this one out.
Please, read this story in the WaPo to see if you see something we missed, write us if you think it makes sense and
Stay Naked
DepHomeSec (formerly the Department of Homeland Security) is suffering a budget cut (which either means we are safe now or itself makes no sense, but that's another story). So, something in the world's largest bureaucracy has to go.
Among the millions of things that DepHomeSec spends its billions of dollars on are grants for things like first responders and emergency communications in communities all over the country. Due to the aforementioned budget cuts DHS will have to cut that part of their spending by about $120 million.
DHS has decided to take $112 million of that nationwide reduction out of the budgets for three cities. Sioux City, IA, Golden, CO and Tonapah, NV ? No. The cuts will fall on . . . wait for it . . . New York, NY, Washington, DC and New Orleans, LA.
No reason to think that these cities are at any greater risk for disasters, man-made or natural, we suppose. We suppose. We suppose we can't figure this one out.
Please, read this story in the WaPo to see if you see something we missed, write us if you think it makes sense and
Stay Naked
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