Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Does He Decide What you Read ?

So what is all this fuss over "internet neutrality" ? Is it, as some suspect, just the geeks trying to hold on to the power they have always enjoyed by virtue of their expertise ? Or is it a power grab by the telecomm giants to take control over the Net and censor what you can see ?

Let us consider an analogy. Imagine the Post Office is taken over by a completely private company. Imagine the new entity, USMailCo, decides that copies of U.S. News & World Report and Rush Limbaugh newsletters will be delivered overnight while MotherJones magazine will take ten days and The Nation won't be delivered at all.

We would then say that USMailCo was not treating all users of the service neutrally and, depending on whether our particular ox was being gored, might object.

This is precisely what is being proposed by the corporations. They will decide which websites open quickly or slowly or at all. What's that ? You don't want AOL deciding these matters for you ? You prefer the current freedom of access and expression ?

Then may we suggest you: sign the save the internet petition; follow developments on the blog (the Zoo can't do everything), check out a key website and

Stay Naked

Oh yes, and click the Limbaugh link to see Rush (The Chickenhawk) Limbaugh with a giant flag ready to tell you what Memorial Day " is really all about". Avoiding military service in his case.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Need to fix the link here for "sign" the save the internet petition. I'm genius enough to have worked around it, but hey, ya know, for posterity and such. ;) Thanks for all you do.

5:59 PM  

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