Saturday, April 29, 2006

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Bush

It's hard to know what to do when you get this mad. Punching the laptop is counterproductive. Sticking my head out the window and yelling "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore !" only annoys my immediate neighbors.

But then you watch and listen to these alleged patriots with their Stars and Stripes backdrops and flag lapel pins and legions of serving military ordered to serve as props in their propaganda productions and peddling "Support Our Troops" stickers. Like V.P. Dick ("I Had Other Priorities") Cheney gassing on about how much they love our troops and their noble sacrifices, to the Veterans of Foreign Wars in 2002. Or President George aW.ol Bush, erupting in praise and promises at a Veteran's Medical Center in 2004 Or SecDef Donald "Actually a Vet" Rumsfeld calling for troop support at a Pentagon "town meeting" in 2005.

And then you swing by TomDispatch (because you saw it on TruthOut, thank you very much) and you read what Judith Coburn HERE (and too many other places to count) reveals about what these (and here words fail me . . . insert your favorite expletive) gentlemen actually do for, but mainly to, the actual thousands of veterans who have survived this useless war, with their minds, bodies and lives shattered in the name of arrogance and deceit and you get so angry you can only . . .
forgive them, because we are called to do this in all cases, one of the principal reasons I say that Christianity is not for weaklings,
vow to do all we can to prevent our leaders from doing any more damage and



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