Saturday, May 06, 2006

Bomb Iran Primer 101

Item 1: This perfectly nice looking fellow in the Armani suit is the devil. His real name is Iranian President Ahmadinejad. He runs Iran which is busy putting together a Nukular program. He's say's it's peaceful. We say it's not. Say hi to the devil.

Item 2: This is map of the suspected Nukular sites in Iran. I say suspected because while we know quite a bit about the program, we don't know everything. See how many there are? That's a lot. So militarily speaking we have a few options:

1) Invade from Iraq (taken off the table)
2) Bomb conventionally (taken off table as ineffective)
3) Bomb Nukular style (seems the way to go)

Item 3: See Dick tell Russians off. Why is Dick telling Russians off? We need Russians to Bomb Iran. It's that simple. We are now playing hardball. What this tells us is that we are planning on bombing Iran sometime in the next 18 months. Buckleup.

Item 3: What happens next? Nice article on Watching America by Anwaar Hussein (no relation) on the effects of such an action.
"Not only would American use of mini nukes be perceived as a loud and clear "go-ahead" by other nuclear weapon states, it would also be taken as the final "gloves-off" by extremist groups wherever they may be. Taking their own lives and those of others, to achieve their "blessed cause" means nothing to these zealots."

Item 4: Who is this guy and why is he the end? The man above is Russia's Former National Security is his quote when asked about the 250 briefcase nuclear devices in the Russian arsenal.

In an interview with CBS' Sixty Minutes, "I'm saying that more than a hundred weapons out of the supposed number of 250 are not under the control of the armed forces of Russia. I don't know their location. I don't know whether they have been destroyed or whether they are stored or whether they've been sold or stolen, I don't know"

Stay True and as always...

Stay Naked.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to come back and explain (a) what Cheney mouthing off to the Russians has to do with our need to have them bomb Iran and (b) what the missing suitace nukes have to do with any of this unless you mean they may be in the hands of the people who won't be very happy iff we bomb Iran

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second the request for an explanation of why 5-Deferment Dick talking tough to the Russians improves our chances of consensus for bombing Iran.

11:26 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

A) Russia is on the security council and has veto power over UN invasion rubber-stamping...we clearly could give a shit about Russia vis a vis Democrazy (see Chechnya) so why the saber rattling? We need them and they've balking...see neocon manual It's up to the US to use our supremacy unmolested...
b)Suitcase nukes are not necessarily tied to Iran bombing...meant it more as a "Do you feel safer" today kind of twist...


8:35 AM  

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