I thought I missed him...
But then up pops some Pro-Palestinian propaganda:) (See yesterdays post which should have been signed 'jd'....as in Juris Doctor...I know Pops is Pro-Palestinian but this Pro-Bedouin thing caught me by surprise...Ok, I'm having fun...it's great he's back...
It's not often you'll see the Zoo link to the NY Daily Post which is about as sorry a 'newspaper' as exists but they have a great little article HERE by James Gordon Meek, their Washington Bureau Chief (Must not....joke...too....many...jokes...must...resist...;) Meek connects the dots to show that Scooter Libby didn't just 'forget' who told him Valerie Plame was in the CIA...he 'forgot' SEVEN PEOPLE told him!!
"In the case of Libby's chats with Cheney about Wilson - such as one after he spoke to Russert - he said, "When I had that conversation I had forgotten about the earlier conversations in which [Cheney] told me ... that the wife worked at the CIA."
Sounds like an ironclad case of 'I'm screwed'
Have I mentioned I love William Greider? Want to know how we 'lost' democracy? Go read 'Who Will Tell The People' by Greider. He's a national treasure and here are a couple of excerpts from his take on the Enron convictions told as only he can (Linked to HERE at the Nation)...
Enron led the way. Lay and Skilling showed us how it's done. And when Enron fell, the great national delusion turned to catastrophe. Unwitting investors lost $6 trillion overall. Millions of innocent bystanders lost much more in terms of their lives. So let Skilling and Lay now serve as symbol for the shame of modern American capitalism. Let these guys do the time for all those others, the corporate titans and financial con men, who got away.
These two thugs looted pension funds and destroyed the personal savings of families. They stole money from the rest of us, not to mention from government and other non-glamorous business enterprises. They rigged energy markets to drive up prices and bilk defenseless consumers (an old-fashioned swindle borrowed from nineteenth-century robber barons and newly decriminalized by deregulation). They swallowed viable, productive companies and wrecked them, especially wrecking the livelihoods of their employees. And, worst of all, they were best pals with politicians and political leaders as well as the most prestigious names in banking and finance--connections the Mafia would die for!
Sorry, am I shouting? My exuberance over this verdict is a mixture of joyous fulfillment and lingering doubts about the impact. Since the meltdown of the stock market in 2001 and the avalanche of scandalous revelations that followed from hundreds of corporations, I have thought the political system and the financial system and even the public at large did not sufficiently get the message. The pervasive rot in American capitalism is much deeper than acknowledged. The various forms of fraud by which millions of people are separated from their money continue in practice, often blessed by law itself.
Stay informed and please...
Stay Naked.
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