The RepubliWho Did What ?
I used to live in a country with two political flavors, Republican and Democrat. The Republicans presented as small government, family value, strong defense champions who spent all their spare time denouncing the Democrats as "tax and spend liberals" who threw public money around like drunken sailors and would bankrupt the country were it not for the "deficit hawks" among the Republicans.
Then came Ronald Reagan, The Greatest Republican President in History, (just ask 'em) who established new records in budget deficits ($4 trillion) by cutting taxes and driving the biggest military buildup in anybody's history as outline HERE. This arguably made Republican sense despite the huge deficits because it was all done in the name of National Security (this was in the days before Homeland Security).
Now, however, we have slipped over into the United States of Wonderland. Not only has President Bush trumped the Reagan deficits (also HERE), now the Republicans in the Senate have voted to cut funding for troops in the field ! ThinkProgress has this story and I can hardly keep my mind between my ears. Its as if the Democrats produced a plan to end welfare. No, that happened.
Its as if the President of the United States sent 2300 kids off to die because he ignored any information that conflicted with his pre-determined plan. No, that happened.
Hilary Clinton, iconic Liberal Death Goddess in the Republican pantheon, is trashing the Republican Senate Majority for failing to support the troops ! We have entered the Hall of Mirrors.
The only possible response is to
Stay Naked
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