How to Spot a Baby Conservative...
Ok, maybe this isn't fair but it's too good to pass up. A new study from the Journal of Research Into Personality tells us something we all secretly knew, but had never given voice to. Professor Jack Block has published the results of a longitudinal study that followed 100 nursery school kids from the 1960's to today. He found that whiny, insecure children grow up to be conservatives while confident, self-reliant children grow into liberals...
Enjoy that for just a moment.
Will Haditha = My Lai?
The US Military is investigating reports that Marines massacred two families after an IED took the life of one of their fellow Marines. According to eyewitness accounts and allegedly supported by video of the scene immediately after the attack, what happened Nov. 15th, 2005 could only be described as a massacre. US Marines allegedly shot dead 15 people in two seperate houses, one a 3 year old girl...The US Military says 12 Marines are under investigation for war crimes. It's easy to point fingers at the trigger happy US troops but all I feel is sadness. It comes as zero surprise to me something like this happened. Frankly, I'm more surprised we don't hear more stories like this...with many US troops entering their 3rd rotation through Iraq it says alot that we don't hear more of these stories...
When is enough enough?
Stay Naked.
Enough is enough when the whole world emplodes!
Yes, this is sad beyond words. I can relate, though!
Inasne, simply insane!
Thanks for this story, it's the first I've hear of it.
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