Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Outrageous, salacious and just plain weird...

I am guilty. Guilty of focusing on the political implications of the Valerie Plame Affair and subsequent (and on-going) cover-up. I wait for Karl Rove to be indicted, I follow the legal machinations of Scooter Libby, I wonder if Dick 'Trigger-finger' Cheney will be indicted...I am guilty of forgetting all of this came about because this White House decided that outing a CIA agent was okay because her husband embarrassed them.

Let's set aside political machinations for a second. What was the intelligence cost of her outing?

Raw Story has a fascinating piece HERE on just this topic. According to the article, Valerie Plame was mostly working on Weapons of Mass destruction as they related to IRAN!!! Her focus was on 'The Khan Network' which refers to the Father of the Bomb in Pakistan AQ Khan and his international black market nuclear proliferation organization...The CIA did an in-house assessment of the damage the leak caused and found the damage to be 'severe'. Further, "Three intelligence officers confirmed that other CIA non-official cover officers were compromised, but did not indicate the number of people operating under non-official cover that were affected or the way in which these individuals were impaired."

"According to their own assessment, the CIA would be impaired for up to "ten years" in its capacity to adequately monitor nuclear proliferation on the level of efficiency and accuracy it had prior to the White House leak of Plame Wilson's identity."

TEN YEARS! This administration, which is currently waging war on 'leakers', (Check out a great article on that HERE from Insightmag) willfully and deliberately inflicted 'severe' damage on the CIA's ability to 'adequately monitor nuclear proliferation'...Ok, I need to take a break. This kind of stuff makes me so mad I can't shoot straight...

Speaking of shooting straight, rumor has it the reason Dick Cheney et al waited 18 hours before reporting that the Number 2 politician in the US shot someone in the face with a shotgun wasn't because the VP was drunk off his ass but because he had a little lady friend with him...hmmmm.
She's quite a looker...hey listen, I'm not saying he wasn't drunk or homicidal. I'm just saying maybe he was drunk, homicidal and horny...I'm glad I got that straightened out...


Did I mention monkey sex? gay penguins (ACTUAL GAY PENGUINS ON LEFT:)? chimp shoe fetishists? double-wombed opposums? Interested? Then you should call up the San Francisco Zoo and ask about the Annual Valentines Day Sex Tour, hosted by Jean Tollini, a former penguin keeper at the Zoo.

"Former zoo resident Tinkerbelle the elephant had a penchant for 18-wheeler truck tires, and a zebra in the African Savanna is infatuated with Samson the giraffe. Cobby the chimp, meanwhile, is fond of keepers' rubber boots.

"It's his special fetish," Tollini said. "He'll put his finger out and touch the shoe. ... Then he'll play with his nipples, eat bananas and masturbate."

Not so different from you and me eh?

Well, maybe you...:)

Stay Naked.


NOTE TO ZOOHEADS: I was looking for an image for the Zoo sex story so I went to Google and typed in "zoo sex" and clicked 'Images'. I don't recommend ever ever ever doing that. I should have known better.


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