Buckle up for a trip down the Rabbit Hole...
One of our intrepid Zooheads Chris B_e_e_r :) sent me a link to an interesting, yet disturbing, article from Prison Planet.com...
The piece is titled, "New Evidence Suggests Muslim Riots are Staged Psyop"What does that mean?
Well, the article alleges that the riots we are seeing throughout the Muslim world are, in fact, carefully orchestrated. They quote notable Russian nutjob Valdimir Zhirinovsky as asserting that, "the riots were a manufactured psychological operation on the part of the US in an attempt to enlist hardened EU support for a military strike against Iran."
He goes on to say that a date to stike Iran has been set, March 28th...mark your calendars.
My initial response was that a plan of this kind would require a deftness of touch and a sophistication well beyond the means of the Bush Administration...
But then I was reminded, by my Dad no less, of an earlier posting here on the Zoo about the Bush admins top PR firm 'The Rendon Group'...Here's from the great Rolling Stone article on him and his company...
""Did you ever stop to wonder," he later remarked, "how the people of Kuwait City, after being held hostage for seven long and painful months, were able to get hand-held American -- and, for that matter, the flags of other coalition countries?" After a pause, he added, "Well, you now know the answer. That was one of my jobs then.""
Flash forward to the Prison Planet article...
"The feasibility of demonstrators in Gaza having immediate access to a plethora of pristine Danish flags as soon as the furore began has also been put under scrutiny."
hmmmm...maybe the flags are a 'signature move' for Rendon (props to pops for connecting the dots:)
Truth is frequently stranger than fiction. We'll stay on this for ya...
Stay Naked.
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