Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A Rove by any other name...

Looks like the White House is getting antsy about impeachment. Conservative blog Insigh
tmag.com is reporting that Rove is strong-arming Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Rove... "has been twisting arms to ensure that no Republican member votes against President Bush in the Senate Judiciary Committee’s investigation of the administration's unauthorized wiretapping." "The sources said the administration has been alarmed over the damage that could result from the Senate hearings, which began on Monday, Feb. 6. They said the defection of even a handful of Republican committee members could result in a determination that the president violated the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Such a determination could lead to impeachment proceedings." Yikes dikes!!! Rove is reportedly threatening to 'blacklist' any member who votes against Bush. What exactly does that mean? "The sources said the blacklist would mean a halt in any White House political or financial support of senators running for re-election in November."

No Play. No Pay.


Did anyone else see this? Marjorie Cohn of Truthout is reporting that Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez was not testifying under oath in yesterdays Judiciary meeting?!?!? "Before Gonzales began his testimony, the committee voted along party lines to dispense with the oath. Thus, if Gonzales were to lie, he could not be convicted or even charged with perjury, which requires the lie be made under oath. Why would the Republican senators insist that Gonzales not be sworn to tell the truth unless they expected him to lie?"


Stay Naked.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and also this, on Yahoo.. while CNN pegs Reid with nary a mention of Abramoff saying he met with Bush dozens of times. Nothing on Google either.. hmmmm. Keep up the work Adam. You help me stay infermed. SD


7:28 PM  

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