Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Why, When I Was a Boy . . .

...the United States of By God America was the heavyweight champion of the world. Our factories built and sewed and hammered about everything there was and our farmers grew most of the food in the world and we sold all this stuff everywhere and bought what we wanted and had money left over to give to everybody. Did I mention we built schools and libraries and hospitals and highways and put a bunch of guys on the moon ?

And now ? Well, the most recent thing is that New Orleans is looking to other countries (including France (sorry, Rush, et al.) for help because the Bush Administration can't make good on its promises. That's right ! Foreign aid for an American city !

That's not all. Hugo Chavez and Venezuela have made a deal with Massachusetts to sell them bargain heating oil for use by low income families because Bush and his "reduction of discretionary non-defense spending" leave us unable to help our own. Venezuela is looking for more such deals. Handouts from commies ! J. Edgar Hoover is spinning in his grave like a secret tape recorder on fast rewind.

I'm not done. We owe China 6.35 uncountabajillion dollars because we can't afford all the low-priced stuff we buy from them. This is the "trade deficit" issue you hear so much (but not nearly enough) about. The newly released Defense Department Quadrennial Review talks hopefully about limiting China to a role as "regional power". Right. If they'll loan us the money.

After WWII we were a "creditor nation", meaning we owed the world less than the world owed us. About 1985 that changed and we entered the ranks of the debtor nations. And its only gotten worse since.

So, why the Walmart picture ? I don't like Walmart. Not enough ? Well, they symbolize everything that contributes to these problems: the rampant consumerism that equates possession with perfection; the off-shoring and outsourcing of American jobs to China and others (now Walmart buys ( I believe) 80% of its goods from China) and the intense personal greed (members of the Walton family are now (I believe) three of the ten richest people in the world.

But, remember those low prices and

Stay Naked.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like the ramblings of a freedom hater

3:12 PM  

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