Mark(ing) of the Beast(s) 2.0
My mother had the impression that events move faster the older you get. There is also the general impression that the world is going to hell in a handbasket at speeds that only astrophysicists can appreciate.
One or both of these phenomena may help explain that while I am posting on Feb. 10 "The Mark(ing) of the Beast(s)" , a story dealing with the Department of Agriculture's plan to mark every farm animal in the U.S. with a Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID), and hinting the system might someday be used on humans, the world was racing ahead.
Check out the Financial Times story from Feb. 12 about the first U.S. company to install RFIDs in two of its workers.
It's a "security" issue, of course, controlling access to a room where security videos for the police and military are stored, you know, like Sluts With Badges and Oil My Hardware, Ensign.
No big deal, according to the CEO for the company, (a reassuring name). “It’s not a GPS chip. My wife can’t tell where I am,” said Sean Darks. He also pointed out that the device has been "approved by the FDA". Then it's gotta be o.k., right ?
Everything is fine according to Mr. Darks of CityWatcher. Why don't I feel better ?
It is all accelerating, so stay awake, stay suspicious and
Stay Naked
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