Tuesday, February 21, 2006

It's Like Eating Popcorn

Once you get started, you can't stop. You know how it is. No matter how big the popcorn you buy at the flicks, you keep eating and eating until its gone.

Well, maybe its the same way with wiretapping. Turns out the Germans (you know, our allies in the War on Terror) think we wiretapped their intelligence folk in Baghdad before the '03 invasion.

Of course, the Germans were against the invasion, but they wanted to know what was going on so they left their guys in place.

Our guys asked their guys to share their intelligence but the German spooks apparently refused to share as they had not attended kindergarten in America where such things are taught.

So our guys went ahead and tapped their phones and now we are again embarrassed before the world (providing anyone in the White House or State Department is any longer capable of shame and embarrassment).

All this from the German paper Liepziger Volkzeitung by way of the Khaleej Times Online.

Do you think this is how the whole NSA-spying-on-Americans thing got started or do you think spying on our citizens and allies started even earlier ?

Consider that query and

Stay Naked


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