Sunday, February 19, 2006

Democracy on the March

Golly, it is satisfying to watch the Bush Administration spread democracy around the Middle East. Elections in Iraq have created the first elected government in Allah knows how long and we hardly had to interfere at all. With some major arm twisting we managed to install the Mayor of Kabul, although we seem to have lost interest in that project.

But, now we and our staunch allies the Israelis have a democracy project that we can really sink our teeth into: crushing the Palestinian version.

Is the problem that the elections were fraudulent or unfair ? No, they were remarkably "fair, free and peaceful" , according to virtually all sources.

No, the problem is simply that we don't like the winner, Hamas. So we, and our Israeli allies have decided we will simply crush the Hamas government. If you object to our including the U.S. in this tale, don't forget we give Israel at least $1 billion every year and we have already called for cutting off aid to Hamas.

I suppose you can make a case for the notion that we can give or withhold aid where and when we choose, no matter how short-sighted and destructive of our interests such decisions may be, but I would think we would draw the line at theft.

Israel has announced with will withhold some $50 million a month in taxes and fees it collects on behalf of the Palestinians !

This is not Israeli money they are choosing to withhold, but money that lawfully belongs to the Palestinians. I thought that was called theft. The reason ? Oh, yes the reason. Well it appears that the Palestinians are terrorists and are responsible for suicide bombings in Israel and the deaths of hundreds of Israelis.

Thsi criticism comes from Israel which has: killed thousands of Palestinians, illegally confiscated Palestinian lands, built countless illegal settlements in the West Bank, uprooted ancient olive orchards [the link is to the Caterillar D-9 entry, scroll down for the Israeli application of this U.S.-supplied equipment) , shot innocent children, destroyed countless homes , killed peace activists . . . well, I could go on, but you get the point.

You didn't ? The point is that the Israeli government lacks standing to complain about crimes committed by others. The legal maxim is: "One who seeks equity must do equity". A kid would just say "That's not fair".

George Bush says; "Go for it !"

I'm tired and I'm sick, but you

Stay Naked


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