Monday, February 06, 2006

"Rage Rage Rage Against the Dying of Common Sense"

Apologies to Dylan Thomas.

First things first. I'm a little angry so apologies ahead of time...

1) I love Truthout and this post is about an item I got from them titled, "FOCUS Arlen Specter: "Bush Violated the Law"
Problem is Arlen Specter did not say "Bush Violated the Law". Sen. Specter said the Bush argument was, "strained and unrealistic". Shame on Truthout for making it appear he said something he didn't. That's a bullcrap move and below an otherwise fine organization. It's exactly that kind of tampering that the left villifies the right need for it.

2) Onto the article linked to HERE. (and the original HERE and the Full transcript from "Meet the Press" HERE)

"Gen. Michael Hayden of the Air Force, who oversaw the program when he headed the National Security Agency, defended it from assertions that it had cast too broad a net, intercepting the calls of perhaps thousands of innocent Americans, and produced only modest results in pursuit of the Qaeda terror network."It's about speed," General Hayden said on ABC. "It's about hot pursuit of Al Qaeda communications."

SHANANIGAN ALERT: No it's not about speed. It's about breaking the law. The FISA law has built in provisions for expediting the process.

3) As with any decent piece of newsgathering, a quote from a promininent insider is included. In this case. Republican Jeff Sessions.

"A Republican senator, Jeff Sessions of Alabama, said that the program did not need to snare large numbers of terrorists to prove its worth. "One case of identifying one sleeper cell can mean a matter of life and death," he said on CBS. "It's not academic."

SHENANIGANS: The problem is not the program. The problem is not "academic". The problem is the President decided he was above the law.

Whole thing just pisses me off but so does most everything...:)

In case you missed the show it was a good one. He had on John Boehner (R-OH), the new house Majority Leader. Click the 'transcipt' link above to read his babbling responses to Russerts questions or read this.

"MR. RUSSERT: There was a big episode in your life back in 1995 when there was—Bob Herbert in The New York Times wrote a column about something you did. I want to find out what you learned from it. Here’s how Herbert wrote it. “One day last summer, 1995 Representative John Boehner of Ohio, chairman of the House Republican Conference, decided to play Santa Claus. He took it upon himself to begin handing out money from tobacco lobbyists to certain of his colleagues in the House floor. He was not deterred by the fact that the House was in session, and that he was supposed to be attending to the nation’s business. He was not constrained by any sense that passing money around the floor of the House of Representatives was a sacrilege.”
REP. BOEHNER: It was a big mistake, and I regret it. I shouldn’t have done it. It was an old practice that had gone on in the House for a long time, and I do regret it. But I also worked with Speaker Gingrich at the time to change the rules of the House to prohibit the practice. And now if you look, when we pass the new rules in the next Congress, handing out a PAC check on or near the House floor is prohibited.
MR. RUSSERT: You gave $5,000 from your PAC—leadership PAC to Tom DeLay’s defense fund.
MR. RUSSERT: You think Tom DeLay’s innocent?
REP. BOEHNER: I do think he’s innocent."

How much more do you need to know?

Stay Naked.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read the truthout piece on Sen Specter and found:

The program "is in flat violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act," said the chairman, Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, who will open committee hearings on Monday.

So what's the problem ?

Apology to truthout ?

8:21 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Here's the problem. Truthout sent the following:

"Bush Violated the Law"

The actual Truthout quote was "is in flat violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act,"

Here is actual quote, "I believe that contention is very strained and unrealistic. The authorization for the use of force doesn’t say anything about electronic surveillance, issue was never raised with the Congress. And there is a specific statute on the books, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which says flatly that you can’t undertake that kind of surveillance without a court order."

So the problem is Sen. Specter said neither and Truthout misquoted him twice. The first quote was pure fantasy and the second was a re-write.

No apology.

But I do thank you for writing.

Stay Naked.


11:29 AM  

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