Friday, February 03, 2006

Pat Buchanan for Prez...

Did you check out all your favorite blogs and their take on the State of the Union? I bet there were some good ones. Feel free to send us the links.
My favorite? Thanks for asking...I gotta say Pat Buchanans scathing article on Human Events Online. Check it out HERE. What, you don't read conservative blogs? Then you're only hearing half the truth. I know this may sound nuts but they make a lot of sense sometimes...anyway, enough pontificating. Check out some of the zingers from Buchanans piece...

"Why would a president use his State of the Union to lash out at a school of foreign policy thought that has had zero influence in his administration? The answer is a simple one, but it is not an easy one for Bush to face: His foreign policy is visibly failing, and his critics have been proven right."


"By allowing radical Islam to work its will, by leaving an assaulted world to fend for itself, we would signal to all that we no longer believe in our own ideals or even in our own courage," said Bush.

But what has done more to radicalize Islam than our invasion of Iraq? Who has done more to empower Islamic radicals than Bush with his clamor for elections across a region radicalized by our own policies? It is one thing to believe in ideals, another to be the prisoner of some democratist ideology."

Another vicious shot to the kidneys...

"If America is angry over what interventionism and free trade have wrought, George Bush cannot credibly blame isolationists or protectionists. These fellows have an alibi. They were nowhere near the scene of the crime.

It is George W. Bush who is running out of alibis."

And the knockout shot...this piece is better than Oprah ripping James Frey apart...

Next thing you know I'll be getting a Lyndon LaRouche tattoo:)


Who is in charge of PR over at Exxon? Someone send them a memo that tells them that crowing over record profits while trying to keep from paying a few billion to finally wrap up the Exxon Valdez mess is poor form...This story is a couple days old but I'm posting it now because I want to see if anyone has heard of the Competitve Enterprise Institute? How about their Director of Energy Policy Myron Ebell? Here's a taste of this eco-facists twisted logic. I'm not one for calling names but guys like this are the problem...when you say "They...(fill in blank) are responsible for the shitty state of affairs" plug in this guys name/face...

"Sharing the wealth is a recipe to make sure that they can no longer provide good products at competitive prices because they will not have any money to reinvest in their industry," Ebell said. "What they are saying is that the company should be put out of business by giving away their profits. I guess we could learn to get along without oil and gas and start living in caves again,"

No one said any such thing Mr. Ebell and to suggest otherwise is intellectually dishonest. Exxon posted a 10.7 billion dollar QUARTERLY profit. All people are suggesting is that is would be nice if they would give a little...I think there's a book around here that suggests the same it is. It's called the Bible...

Stay Naked.



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