Saturday, July 29, 2006

Now is the Time for a Pre-emptive Strike

People can disagree (and we do) about whether the U.S. attack on Iraq was truly a pre-emptive strike as generally defined. Skeptics (including us) wonder if Iraq ever constituted an actual threat to us, much less the imminent threat the Administration presented.

In this case, we don't care exactly how "imminent" the threat is, it is plenty imminent enough and justifies immediate action by all available forces on all available fronts. Pull out the stops, throw in the reserves and hold nothing back.

What are we talking about ? A story on the Boston Globe website picked up by the AP and then truthout and that is it so far. The Bush Administration has introduced a draft bill that would give the President sweeping powers to detain American citizens and hold them indefinitely without trial.

Let's see if we can boil that down. AMERICAN CITIZENS HELD INDEFINITELY WITHOUT TRIAL. Yeah that sums it up.

Let's not wait until the House has passed this turkey and we are waiting to see if the Dems in the Senate have the guts to filibuster it. Lets not wait until until we have another "attack on the homeland" (and if you are wondering about the quotes, set aside an hour and watch loosechange911 second edition. By itself, the fact that the only three highrise buildings ever to collapse due to fire all happened in that same place on the same day is enough to justify a little skepticism).

No, lets stomp this puppy to death next week when Attorney General Gonzalez appears before the Senate Armed Services Committee regarding the proposal. Call your Senators. Call the White House. Write the editor. Go to Washington.

The bill will only apply to "enemy combatants", but we are fairly sure we qualify.

Get active and

Stay Naked


Blogger Unknown said...

i hope you aren't questioning king george the second because that is going to put you tops on the list.

7:43 PM  

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