White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten on Stem Cell Research.
It's not often you see a mainstream media figure take apart an Administration flunkey. Josh Bolten was sent by the White House to appear on 'Meet The Press' to explain the Presidents position on Stem-Cell Research and explain why the President vetoed Congress's bid to lift restrictions on human embryonic research. Below is Russert taking the Administrations argument apart. Lovely stuff...enjoy.
The word is out. Dump Condi Rice as Secretary of State. She is being called 'incompetent' by...conservatives? Yep. Insightmag.com which is about as conservative as you can get without burning a cross on your lawn. Check it out HERE. Want a taste? Sure you do
Remember that great Rolling Stone piece on The Rendon Group? We highlighted it HERE on the Zoo. Anyways, they outdid themselves with an AWESOME article by James Bamford titled "Iran: The Next War"
Stay beautiful and as always...
Stay Naked.

"Rice attempted to increase pressure on Israel to stand down and to demonstrate restraint," said Stephen Clemons, director of the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation. "The rumor is that she was told flatly by the prime minister's office to back off."I love rumors...
Remember that great Rolling Stone piece on The Rendon Group? We highlighted it HERE on the Zoo. Anyways, they outdid themselves with an AWESOME article by James Bamford titled "Iran: The Next War"
Stay beautiful and as always...
Stay Naked.
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